Dive report.

Capt Sport

So, I finally got to go on the first dive of the summer yesterday. :snorkel: It was was really nice to get into the water. We headed out of Harkers Island NC bright and early into slightly choppy seas. :088: First dive was to 100 feet, got down there and my buddy turns to me and asks where his speargun went? :(s Having no clue we search for a bit and didn't find a thing. So, I started hunting when this absolutely huge Stingray goes cruising by, and within a minute or so we start getting surrounded by a school of Amberjacks with a few Cobia mixed in. I was so taken by the size of the ray I didn't think to shoot one of the Cobia till it was to late. Oh well, we surface and discuss the lost gun and the guy that owns the boat (Pete) says lets go down current and see if we can find it floating on the surface. I gotta tell you I thought that was a complete waste of time, when low and behold about a 1/2 mile down current Pete hollers out there it is! :Wow1: So after fishing it out of the ocean we head off to the next spot.

Well after catching hell from Pete for not shooting a Cobia he dives down and shoots a small but legal grouper and really lays it on thick about not bag'n a Cobia. So, me and Ken go down and start hunting when Ken shoots a nice grouper. While he's dealing with that I go off hunting when I spot two nice grouper, I stalk them around a big rock and they head back the way we came, so using the reef for cover I peek over the edge to see them sitting in range, the big one was a quartering shot and the smaller of the two was full on broad side shot. So, I shoot the smaller one and he promptly goes under the reef. I had a hell of a time pulling him out of there but I got him out and head for the surface, where Pete gives me more crap about not shooting a Cobia. So, I hand him my fish which changes his tune immediately. The fish measured 31" well over legal.

Our third dive was considerably shallower and vis wasn't near as good as a result. However, this spot was loaded with grouper and Pete and Ken each shot another one. I saw several that were nice but spent my time stalking a big one that hung on the edge of visability only to miss out on taking another one home. Oh well, the one I got will work out to about 6 meals for me.

All in all a really great day on the water, the seas calmed down, got to hang out with a couple of good friends and I have some great meals coming. :drool:

Oh yeah, I got my new Zeagle Stiletto B/C right before leaving for this trip and all I can say is dam! That thing is nice.:victory:


Expedition Leader
Oh well, we surface and discuss the lost gun and the guy that owns the boat (Pete) says lets go down current and see if we can find it floating on the surface. I gotta tell you I thought that was a complete waste of time, when low and behold about a 1/2 mile down current Pete hollers out there it is! :Wow1:

Great report.

Captain Pete sure knows his stuff. Glad your dive buddy got his spear gun back.

I haven't managed to get one dive in for 2009 yet. :(

Capt Sport

Thanks Rallyroo,

I had a great time. Hope you get a chance to get wet soon, I know I was dried out from lack of saltwater immersion.

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