Droid as Navigator


Anyone using a droid or similar android powered phone as a navigator off road? I thinking one of these would take care of the GPS, topo maps, and cell phone.


comments based on no data/cell connectivity...

It can be done, but with effort involved. Probably best for exploring a limited area. Look at OruxMaps which can import OziExplorer format map data. There is another one but the name escapes me.

IMO phones aren't yet there for good detail or features. You can get by if you have expectations of what a handheld GPS gives.

OTOH, Android phones work awesome for street navigation. As good as Nuvi/TomTom type work. It also works great as a geocache tool as an app like GeoBeagle can read all of a GPX file and use logs info or hints for the cache within the app.

A phone cannot match the screen size and utility of a tablet or laptop and 7.5'(1:24k) topo maps. Maybe someday when the promise of a foldable (and touchscreen) OLED display becomes real.

I would get Orux and see if you can get it to do what you need.


Expedition Leader
I agree with esh. The Droid is great as a street navigator where you are more than likely to be in reasonable cell coverage. Get outside that area though and it's nowhere near as convenient, and you suffer the drawbacks of the small screen size as well.

A little off topic, but on a recent trip I was planning to use Place Memo on my Droid as a tool to create a journal for the trip (Place Memo lets you store notes, photos and recordings associated with specific locations). The app is tightly linked with Google Maps, and wouldn't even let me save a new place if I was outside cell coverage despite the fact that the phone has GPS. IMO this is an example of a poorly written app, but it's illustrative of the kinds of hassles you can run into. By and large the people writing apps for these phones expect you to be connected to the web all the time.


I'm trying to do the same thing on my Droid incredible. I've used google's 'my tracks' app to record gps tracks of new trails I've explored, but unless you're in cell service area it doesn't have any map data. I am planning to try out 'gaia gps' which let's you download map area ahead of time. I have yet to be able to import a track to follow yet.
I really wish you could save a map sections and tracks ahead of time from a pc, and then load it on the phone.


It works brilliantly with Google Navigation and Back Country Navigator, which allows you to cache topo maps on your SD card. With the mobile mount on my dash, I typically zoom into about .05 mile, and let it roll.
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I havent tried it with my droid, but on my iphone I downloaded an app called topo maps, which allows you to get usgs topographic maps and use them on your iphone. it will do a mosaic overlay type effect where if you go from one map to the next you dont even notice. it works pretty well. but I have recently purchased a viliv x70ex to start using as my navigator.


... and you suffer the drawbacks of the small screen size as well.

Might depend on your frame of reference... I use a Garmin eTrex Vista HCx with City Navigator NA loaded on it. Works great for me. I also use it while flying. And geocaching.

A droid would be a HUGE screen for me!



Might depend on your frame of reference... I use a Garmin eTrex Vista HCx with City Navigator NA loaded on it. Works great for me. I also use it while flying. And geocaching.

A droid would be a HUGE screen for me!


Ya, I run BackCountryNavigator and Google Navigation on a Droid X. It's the next best thing to a iPad or laptop. Mytopo maps look really nice at .05 mile scale. I can import GPX files all day long, just drag and drop onto my SD card in a special folder, open up BackCountryNavigator and import.

10 bucks to turn my Droid X into a full blown portable touch screen GPS device with up to 16GB of SD card offline map storage? Not a bad deal at all.
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