

Just wanted to say how great it is to find a forum with so many cruiserheads! It brings back fond memories of my '77 FJ-40, which was my first vehicle. I caught the cruiser bug from my dad who bought a brand new FJ-40 in 1978. He had it for 11 years before it was eaten alive by northeastern winters and road salt. I actually bought mine for $2000 at age 15 (can't drive until 17 in NJ) from a guy in Virginia who had kept it in pretty good shape. I wheeled it all around the NJ Pine Barrens for almost 5 years until the body began to fall apart, the old 2F got weak, and I unfortunately needed more reliable transportation. It sat in the yard because I couldn't bear to part with it, but then I got engaged and needed money to buy a house. I sold it to another cruiserhead that I used to 4 wheel with it who parted it out. It's still in the back of my mind to pick one up to restore one of these days... Hey is there anybody here that used to be on the Land Cruiser Mailing List? I got on it around 1997 while I was still looking for a truck-a precursor to my forum addiction :sombrero:


I lurk here like I did in 98 on the mailing list. It was such a different world back then. I still get the daily posts from the LCML, but hardly ever look at them anymore.


Well-known member
I was a longtime lurker and occassional poster on the old LCML, I was 15 and looking for info on rebuilding the motor on my 68' FJ40. Good times and some great freindships that I still enjoy to this day :cool:

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