Hee hee, looks like BigJim beat me to it! I was trying to corner you into telling me what size fuse/breaker you'd use for the 2gauge wire. My point, in a round about way, was to make people understand that running a huge gauge wire needs to be protected with a proper size power disconnecting device (manually reset or auto reset breaker, slow blow fuse, quick blow fuse, etc)
So, using a 2 Gauge wire to feed your appliances (using the link posted above
http://www.wranglernw.com/download/fullcatalog.pdf), we see the following:
a 2 Gauge wire can carry
140 amps of power up to
So now, you gotta ask yourself, will you really need 140 amps at the back of your rig? You might, I don't know your application but this is the size of fuse/breaker you need to install at the battery before energizing your #2 gauge wire.
If anyone is planning on running a high quality inverter for 120vac power in the back of their rig, they should run the pos and neg power cables straight to the battery. Unless you're using quality lugs and terminals, hot spots created from wire junctions can be somewhat unsafe and RF noise interference may get created.
I know most of you already know this but ......