I have tried searching for this and never was able to find quite what I was looking for, so please feel free to link to a similar thread if I missed it. I am going to be doing a 15+ hour road trip with a few people taking 2 cars. One is a 100 series land cruiser(mine) and the other is a brand new 2016 tacoma. I would like to stay away from "walkie talkies" if possible, and thought a cb would be simple until I tried to look at some. I thought 4 watts was the max but I saw a few that claimed 70 watts. I do not think we need a ham setup as I don't see the vehicles being more than a mile apart at most. For the tacoma, I was thinking of getting the portable type cb that plugs into the cigarette lighter and then has a plug in for the cable so it car be run through a door jam with a magnetic mount on the hood or roof since drilling is off limits on the new truck. What would you recommend for the land cruiser? How hard is it to adjust one? I would like to mount it inside the center console as that is really the only place available