Just returned an L5 that I had bought from Eccotemp as a new scratch and dent unit. First of all it wouldn't heat the water up to temperature, worked with the techs on the phone to adjust everything but still the water was just luke warm. A few weeks later the water turned scalding hot, turned the water off, immediatly the piezio ignition was trying to relight the gas even though there was no water flow. Turned the propane off which was then immediately followed by the red PEX tubing bursting open. Max operating temperature for red PEX is 200'F, 93'C
Eccotemp changed their policy for getting in touch with them in the interim now you can't talk to a human on the phone, everything has to be done on line. Spent two months going back and forth with them demanding they take the unit back as it was unsafe ( not sure how Eccotemp handles things in the UK, in the USA this is how they conduct themselves). Finally got their approval today.
It's not so much that the unit was not working correctly that bothered me it was the lack of customer service, the endless form e mails they sent out saying they hadn't heard from me, even though I had replied to every e mail they sent, and the endless time wasting. I told them I though the unit was unsafe and no one would use it because they didn't want to get scalded, their initial reply was to check the water pressure and turn the heat setting to low. Everything was set up correctly but this was not the correct answer in my opinion. After repeating the demand they have given me a return number.
If Eccotemp had said "that doesn't sound right, we need to check the unit out in house" or " We will replace the unit, please send the faulty one back" I would have given it another try. But right now I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole because of the awful customer service and the inconvenience of working with them.