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Although I am a Civil Eng, I do not 'get' electrical/wiring, so pardon my simplistic question. But, I have a F250 and planning a bed mounted battery(in a box) and possibly an inverter(which I already have). The question is, can I simple tie into the hot lead (not the brake, but + lead which is keyed) on my 7 pin wiring to act as a charger for said bed mounted battery? I have read if the batteries are different sizes, it can potentially drain the 'new' battery trying to charge the factory batteries(diesel, hence two). Also, the wire is aprox 8-10ga - will this work for a 'charging' situation, or do I need the big zero gauge as if running in series? Since the + lead is keyed, it would prevent draining the main batteries when parked.
All I am trying to accomplish is mounting a rear battery for the bed, and facilitate having it charged when the truck is running, without the whole dual battery solenoid setup. Thoughts from those who know?? Seems to me it should work, as campers being pulled utilize a similar approach, and are being charged from the same lead I plan to tie into...
All I am trying to accomplish is mounting a rear battery for the bed, and facilitate having it charged when the truck is running, without the whole dual battery solenoid setup. Thoughts from those who know?? Seems to me it should work, as campers being pulled utilize a similar approach, and are being charged from the same lead I plan to tie into...