I've seen a couple of their racks in person, and my honest opinion is this. Love it or hate it, the racks are a cheap knockoff of the Safety Devices roof rack. The racks that I've seen, I haven't been impressed with either the quality of materials (thin pipe, compared to DOM tubing used on the SD rack), or the quality of the welding.
The flipside is that Safety Devices hasn't been importing racks for over a year now, and their return to the US has been dangling out in front of us like a carrot the whole time. Last I heard, they're still saying 4-6 months...
The bottom line IMO is if you're looking for a rack that has the aesthetics of the SD rack, but you don't plan on using it for serious load carrying, the NWP rack an OK alternative. If you want a rack that you can use for heavy loads without worry of failure, you're better off trying to find a used SD rack.