Ex army trucks - Are they worth it?

So you have to register your blue thing in another state, and if I were demented enough to move back to my state of birth, I couldn’t register my NA spec U500 either?


Hi, we previously travelled round parts of the world in a kitted up Land Rover, then tall kids, large dogs etc meant we don't fit so we have a converted Merc 1124 AF ex Fire engine. To some of the points in this chat, we extended the chassis because we needed the length whilst retaining a 2 1/2 cab. If you have the single cab or alternatively just use the second row of the crew cab then might not be needed but for what we wanted to do, we wanted the length. Also had to change the diffs, if you look around you can find some ex fire engines with high speed diffs.
Jacksons, Withams etc buy a lot of trucks but expensive to buy from them, think mainly selling to commercial buyers. Got a very high quote for a couple of vehicles we were interested in.

We have a MAN HX60 which we bought privately and we will start building this year, really impressed with it, a lot more offroad capable than our Merc. Comments in chat are all mainly correct, we can go more places, do more offroading in the smaller Land Rover, but equally truck is great to travel in. We built the Merc as a base truck so that we could take the motorbike, kayaks etc and do more when we were in different locations. Equally when we went trans Africa in the Land Rover, there was a commercial overland truck, Merc 18 tonne 2 wheel drive which also went the full length. We might have done some more side tracks but they did a lot of great stuff.

There are quite a number of Merc 4x4 1120s / 1124s / 917s now available in Germany, France, Holland, Poland, mainly ex Fire Service. They would probably fit with your budget quite well as 15k - 25k Euros, leaves a reasonable part of the budget for the overhaul / build. Good luck which ever way you go.


Active member
If you can source one, the Mercedes Atego ex mil spec is an amazing little truck. 3 diff locks, NO DEF, enough power and payload to put a very nicely outfitted camper box.

There's a reason Bliss Mobil buys them all for their rental fleet. I've been trying to source one for years, when they come available they sell almost instantly!


Van of Mayhem
You don't want a KAT1, believe me. No creature comfort, loud, slow and heavy drinkers. Worst of all, they're 40+ yrs old and maintenance princesses with expensive, sometimes hard to get parts. Try to stay as civilian as possible. Iveco Euro Cargo is the next close thing to an old Steyr, or the MB Atego. Those are relatively cheap to get new and are used around the world (except US) by the military as civilian based trucks, so parts are abundand.

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