Metal Twister
Highly Motivated
Ive been toying with the idea of making a hot water heater using my exhaust pipe as the heat source. Has any one here done such a thing? It seems to me that I could build a copper coil wrapping around the exhaust pipe. Then cover with sheet metal so that it would look much like a muffler. I could then use a fuel pump to circulate the water to a insulated holding tank on the vehicle anywhere. It seem that with in a few miles it should heat up the water enough for a shower or not?
What do you think, Would you get enough heat transfer to make it worth while. Solar showers are ok but Im looking for a little warmer water. LOL :wings:
What do you think, Would you get enough heat transfer to make it worth while. Solar showers are ok but Im looking for a little warmer water. LOL :wings: