About to pull the trigger on some new tires and the concept of tall skinny is appealing, however, the Monty is a big boned girl. At nearly 5300# with my basic load I am concerned that the 235's will see higher operating temps on road and a shortened lifespan.
I live in Moab, and eventually will eventually end up with 33's 255/85 16, however, Monty Nobaru sees several trips to Taos and numerous SLC trips, so highway ride quality and fuel economy are definitely heavily weighted variables. Cooper offers the AT3 in a Load Range C in 265/75 16, which is my top contender at the moment.
Anyone care to offer a subjective opinion of their experiences with Load E in the narrower 235/85 or 265/75? Longevity of 40K would be acceptable, even though they are 55k warrantied.
Stuck in analysis paralysis, though I may just flip a coin, as anything I choose will likely be an enormous improvement over the current 265/70 GY Fuel Max's
Not a scratch btw, though it was within .75" from the wall...phewww!

I live in Moab, and eventually will eventually end up with 33's 255/85 16, however, Monty Nobaru sees several trips to Taos and numerous SLC trips, so highway ride quality and fuel economy are definitely heavily weighted variables. Cooper offers the AT3 in a Load Range C in 265/75 16, which is my top contender at the moment.
Anyone care to offer a subjective opinion of their experiences with Load E in the narrower 235/85 or 265/75? Longevity of 40K would be acceptable, even though they are 55k warrantied.
Stuck in analysis paralysis, though I may just flip a coin, as anything I choose will likely be an enormous improvement over the current 265/70 GY Fuel Max's
Not a scratch btw, though it was within .75" from the wall...phewww!