ExPo Photo Workshop - prelim. ideas

Michael Slade

Ok, time for a dedicated thread.

I guess I left my mouth open and my foot fell into it, so I'll start the 'loose organizing' of what could potentially become my own personal nightmare...(read: I don't want to do this, but I *will* because I think it'd be a fun activity...the workshop, not the planning).

Here's what I would like from those who want to participate. Please try to answer the following questions:

1. Participant or instructor (you can be both...)
2. If an instructor, what are you very good at, or nearly an expert at, or genuinely qualified as an expert at, that you would be willing to do a session of instruction? In my mind a session would be either 2-3 hours before or 2-3 hours after lunch, and possibly 1-2 hours after dinner.
3. If a participant, what specific topics would you like to see offered?
4. Where would you like to see this happen?
5. When would you like to see this happen?
6. How would you organize this if it were up to you?

I've run workshops, taught formally in classrooms, informally outside of classrooms, etc...I don't want this to be the Slade show....on the contrary I'd just like to come and hang-out.

This ought to be a camping excursion, in keeping with the ExPo ideal, limited to sparse driving once the workshop is underway. We don't want to waste time driving and not get time behind a camera or listening to an instructor.

Fire away!


Expedition Leader
Answers in Blue...

Michael Slade said:
Here's what I would like from those who want to participate. Please try to answer the following questions:

1. Participant or instructor (you can be both...)


2. If an instructor, what are you very good at, or nearly an expert at, or genuinely qualified as an expert at, that you would be willing to do a session of instruction? In my mind a session would be either 2-3 hours before or 2-
3 hours after lunch, and possibly 1-2 hours after dinner.

3. If a participant, what specific topics would you like to see offered?

A) Best options to controlling light (settings)

B) "Its not the gear but how you use it"

C) File & Label management

4. Where would you like to see this happen?

Southwest - Utah - how could it be more spectacular

5. When would you like to see this happen?


6. How would you organize this if it were up to you?

A) max 15-20 folks - 7-10 rigs - donation fee for commitment -

B) Break into three groups during sessions and rotate to keep it intimate.

C) Camera requirements for sessions.

D) Hands on instruction.

E) Computer (large screen) for evenings viewing of weekends work.

F) Raffle at evenings end - everyone loves to win at a raffle.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
what the guy above me said....
but also add a topic on composition & post-cropping

thanks a bunch!!!!!!!

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader

I'll be watching to see what everyone decides, but I doubt I can make it, not if it's in the south west in the fall anyway. If I could attend I think helpful topics would be those that focus on visual design, composition using light and colour line, learning to see, and perhaps photo impressionism.

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