F150 Metal Cap DIY Camper Conversion


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Hi folks!

I've been lurking on the site looking at all the cool rugged camper options and day dreaming a bit. I'd love a lightweight 4x4 friendly pop-up slide in or a rugged VMI Canyon 4x4 trailer with a pop-up roof. However, I'm saving my pennies so I don't have to work all the time and that means I have to lower the costs of any camper options I shoot for.

I've got a 2010 F150 FX with a metal contractor's cap. The beast has ~100,000kms on it so I figure I'll be driving her another 10-15yrs.

I have slept in the back a few times, but condensation made things really unpleasant so I figure I need to spend some time and few bucks making it more comfortable.

Here is what I am thinking:

1. install one or two vents in metal cap [I'm thinking one will be an electric fan I can use to suck moisture out at night]
2. insulate metal cap
3. seal metal cap along railing of truck to seal out water [currently leaks in several spots during heavy rain]
4. fabricate some sort of bug mesh for the side windows [need to be removable for trips without critters]
5. install 1 big solar panel on roof with electronics and a couple deep cycle batteries
6. install LED lighting inside cap
7. install 5 gal water jug with pump top [just needs a spot to live and a way to keep it from moving on bumpy terrain]
8. install 5 gal bucket w/ toilet seat lid [needs spot and way to secure it]
9. install 20lb propane tank for stove
10. install "side table" and "bed/bench" so that they don't move around while driving
11. get custom upholstered foam cushions for bench/bed [** optional depending on cost
12. build a 1 bike front wheel grabber rack so I can slide my bike inside while driving or for secure storage
13. buy a 2 bike external hitch rack [where bikes will normally live]
14. 2 folding camp chairs, a folding camp table and a sun/rain shelter complete the mix for outdoors living space
15. install removable wooden attic/slats to store lightweight stuff [kites and surfboards] when travelling

The basic layout as you look in from the rear is:

Left Side of Interior:
- a narrow 1' wide table where I can cook or place things I am working on/using
- undertable is 5 gal water jug with pump coming above table level for easy access
- deep cycle marine batteries are under table
- propane tank is under table

Right Side of Interior:
- a row of rubbermaid containers for storage
- on top of rubbermaids wooden plywood placed as bench with backrest or flat to make bed

- I've already got a set of wooden slats that can be installed above the windows which will hold light items such as kites and surfboards
- this gets used for long distance legs of trips where having everything inside well protected is nice
- once at destination [say Baja] gear lives on roof to free up living space

Walkway in Middle:
- between table on left and bench on right is a narrow walkway to put feet when sitting
- for solo trips my bike can slide in here to protect it from elements or theft if I want to leave vehicle for extended period [hiking or see a movie]

With the limited amenities and space this will be a reasonable option for me to use solo, but not all that great for me and the GF. Since I'll be semi-retired for a number of years before her this should be okay. Hopefully by the time she is retired we have enough $$ saved to get some sort of RV that will suit 2 people living on the road for 4-6 months a year.

The first thing I'll do is seal the cap to the truck so I can stop the water from leaking in when it rains. That will make even non-camping use nicer given I live in a spot with a rainy winter.

The DIY option will be good for warmer/drier weather. Without a lot of space to work with and no furnace [not getting into the hassle of a DIY furnace install] wet/cold weather use is not appealing. So that means no winter surf RV missions.

I'll provide updates as I get stuff done and would gladly accept suggestions or references to any similar conversions that you've seen.

My typical mission will look something like this:

- drive to Baja sleeping in truck along way
- spend ~2 months beach camping in Baja surfing and kiteboarding
- spend 1-2 months driving back to Canada mountain biking my way through AZ/UT

Being able to camp covertly in neighbourhoods and other non-camping friendly spots is important to me.


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