I'm fine tuning my FWC order and need to decide on fabric.
Question - do the cushions have zippers? If so, I guess it would be possible in the future to take them off, use the old as a template, and make new ones with whatever fabric you want.
So, what do you have, and would you get the same thing again?
- Tan - I think this looks the best but is likely to get dirty given you need to stand on the couch to reach the bed.
- Deer Valley Apache - kind of cool, but would it look/feel so 70's in a few years? Of course it would, but maybe that's its charm?
- Blue - I'm leaning toward this.
Question - do the cushions have zippers? If so, I guess it would be possible in the future to take them off, use the old as a template, and make new ones with whatever fabric you want.
So, what do you have, and would you get the same thing again?
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