Sorry it took so long.
Here are scans from my book:
On my buddy's 80, they didn't glue the windshield and he didn't know to insist, so when the monsoons came, his engine computer that is just under the dash on the passenger side got soaked and ruined. I asked him if they glued his windshield, he didn't know. He called the glass company and the manager came to look at his truck, my buddy showed him in the manual where it is to be glued, the glass company paid to have his truck towed to the dealer and repaired (New ECU) they had his interior cleaned, and they put a new windshield and gasket in. Properly, this time.
I only go to one glass place here in Flag and I only ever drop it off so the owner is the one doing the work. He knows to pay attention to the details, and I like that.