Flashooters M416 Expo/Camping trailer build


Yep...another one! First I want to thank all the other M416 builders out there for some great ideas. Trailer is being built to tow behind my jep and my 4runner. It will have the usuals...lid, extended toungue, RTT. I have been working on it for about 6 months and have some pretty decent progress so far.
Here is a couple pics as purchased. Bought it from a farmer in central Florida for $500. Decent shape, included a lunette and a modified lunette with ball attachement. There was the usual rust in the floor and someone had taken a hole saw to the floor for drain holes I guess? Frame was solid though and just had a little bit of surface rust around.


original floor

another of floor

Stripped the trailer down and brought it over to a friends for sandblasting and mods. I blasted the whole frame a repainted it. I started blasting the floor and realized it was a lot worse then I thought. I was getting tons of pinholes and the metal was pretty thin. After tossing up options I ended up trading a buddy a couple cases of beer for a sheet of steel and cut out the old floor with the plasma.

(not me in the pic)

to be continued.......


Here is a couple pictures of the frame after blasting and painting. I primed with rustoleum and painted with Sherwin williams industrial grade paint.

After the frame was done I started in with some more tub work. The new floor was stitch welded in and then sealed with automotive seam sealer. The bottom and inside of the tub was painted with the same paint. I also have a herculiner kit to finish off the inside but that will be down the road.


Next up lid build, toungue extension and box


Ok original plans were to slap the tub back on and use as is for now......except I couldnt do that. We figured do all the fab work now and get it over with. First up was to lengthen the toungue. We used tube anf basically moved the beams out. I also framed out a box using angle iron and then lined it with expanded metal . I made it to fit my cooler.


I also had the decision on whether to keep the military tires, go with a jeep bolt pattern and nw axle or a toyota bolt pattern and new axle. After looking over my options I decided that most of the trips would probably be done with the 4 runner. I ordered up a new axle from ABC trailer parts and Im currently waiting on it. I bought two FJ cruiser 17inch steelies off ebay for $45 each shipped. I found two 255/75/17 BFG mud terrains ( off a newer jeep rubicon) and mounted them up. I like the look and will be continuing the same wheel and tire combo on to the 4 runner. Here is the tire just put up to the side.

That brings us to the lid design. I originally wanted to mae one like a few others have done and follow the body lines. I ended up just going a little simpler and making it a straight 45 up instead of two pieces. Poor planning ended up with the cross bars in not a great spot for my planned "roof rack" cross bars that would sit on top. I ended up doubling up and steel at the ends for a secure mounting spot. I also used angle iron to continue framing it out. We plan on skinning it with some light sheet metal.
Here are some progress pics of the lid frame



Last pic with the cross bars mocked up

This is where I am at right now. The last couple days have been spent working on hinge and latch configurations. We ended up doing a fabbed hinge on the inside so the trailer has a clean look along the edges. We are also going to use a pickup truck tailgate latch assemply with the striker bolts. These are both in progress now and I dont really have any pics yet. Hope to have these working this week.

I will update when I get further along. Plans this week are to finish the hinge assembly and make the latch. My axle should also be here next week so that needs to get swapped out as well.
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Expedition Leader
Very nice!!

Keep up the good work!!..I like the angle on the lid, and the bars look great also!



Little update....

Fabbed up our own hinges on the inside. Made a latch using a tailgate latch from a dodge pickup. Basically made our own rods and brackets and utilized the actual latch and striker setup. Came out pretty good and locks up nice and tight.I will be using a cam style lock to keep it locked. All thats left on the lid is to skin it. I may outsource that as I dont have acess to a large brake to bend the sheet. Also need to figure out and attach gas struts to open it.

Replaced the axle with a 3500lb unit from ABC trailer parts. Ended up going with hubs to match my 'yota. Got the FJ steelies mounted up with the BFG mud terrains.

needed to build new fenders for a couple reasons..the most being I went a little big on the axle and half the tire was hanging out. I built a set of 15 inch wide fenders out of 16g and 1/2 tube. I basically followed the lines of the stock ones.

I welded in a reciever in the rear and reinforced it underneath. This is for a bike rack in the future. I also added a pioneer tool rack to the back panel. I am in the process of building a pair of can holders for my gas cans. They will be mounted on the toungue in front of the cooler rack.

I need to get the pics off my phone and add to the post this weekend after I get a little more done.


Here are some more pics of progress...

Lid latch pics





Pioneer rack and reciever

side view after the new axle was put in.

WIll update later this wekend with more progress.
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looks great... I so need to get busy with a lid for my M100

'bout how heavy is that framework ?

What gauge steel and plate ?


The metal for the lid is 1 1/4 x11g box tubing along with some angle iron. I used 1/4 plate for making the brackets and hinges and 3/8 plate to beef up the sides of the trailer in the corners. The fenders are 16g. I plan on using 20g to skin the rest of the lid. I figure the whole lid weighs about 60lbs when finished.
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I like how you extended your tongue...couple quick questions: 1st, what size tubing did you use? 2nd: How long are those tubes? Or I guess how much longer than the original did you get the final product to be?



I like how you extended your tongue...couple quick questions: 1st, what size tubing did you use? 2nd: How long are those tubes? Or I guess how much longer than the original did you get the final product to be?


I believe I used 2x4 tube by 1/4. I just measured what was on there and went with that. I honestly do not rmember the exact lengths off-hand anymore. I believe it ended up being extended 4 more feet then stock.


Been a little while since my last update. Trailer is basically done as far as major fabrication. Lid was skinned , roof rack completed and Serengeti RTT purchased. I spent the last couple days painting the outside of the trailer. I stuck with my original paint scheme which matches my jeep, however most trips will probably be done with the 4runner. On to the pics....

lid skinned and primed


gas can holders in-progress/mockup

Maiden voyage down to Miami to pick up my tent from campinglab (thanks Fernando)

on the rack

quick one opened up

Time for paint!
Black first...




and on to the blue...


This is as far as I got today. Plan on re-assembling later this week. Need to wire up the lights, figure out where to put the plate, roll in Herculiner in the inside of the tub and figure out some sort of light for the inside. I think one of those stick on battery powered LED lights should work well.
Road trip coming up very soon..Blue Ridge Parkway and a sidetrip into Alabama.


Thanks for sending me the link on steelsoldiers.com. Great looking trailer! I love the blue. I hear great things about the CampingLabs tents. I racked my brain on light locations, yours is far better than mine. As everyone else has said, killer thinking on the latch/handle.

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