Fold out side windows for more space


Im sketching some floorplan ideas for my L300 Delica. The side windows are a pretty good size, and i've been planning on blanking out the side windows anyway and insulating. I was thinking if I replace the windows with sheet metal, I could throw some hinges on there so it folds out flat, maybe use a canvas tent fabric to keep it sheltered. Could open up quite a bit of interior space on one side (or both).

Just wanted to see if this kind of thing has been done before, trying to get some ideas for what to do with the layout, what to put there, etc..

Its already a pop top so I use that roof space for sleeping, though I could use the folding side window to create more width for a bed where you would lay sideways. and use the pop top space purely for head room.

I want to make a permanent counter top for everything kitchen related (stove sink, etc.) so dont think i'd want to use the fold out as a counter, unless i can be convinced.

I typically have a lot of equipment with me, bikes, skis, etc. that i'd like to keep inside if possible, but bikes especially take up a ton of room. I'm trying to think of ways I could design a designated storage area big enough for a couple taken apart bikes, then use the folding window to open up useable space when parked. but cant really come up with anything.

Any ideas? if anyone has pics or anything of a rig that uses fold out windows that would be awesome.


Expedition goofball
Interesting ideas and with the right equipment it seems very doable. But the only thing I have seen remotely close is the fixed fiberglass side extentions on the sprinters.


^^^ hates cars
Actually a really good idea if you can make it work. Have the blank hinge down with some kind of phenumatic or air strut like on a hood etc. have them open 90 degrees and the strut can double as a stop that could support whatever you store in there while camped. camp stove, cooler, bags of gear, or extended space for sleeping sideways like you mentioned. You can use a canvas with screens/windows/blinds that zip open/closed like a westy/smb that unfolds just like a poptop would when extended and fold up the same when stowed.


Engineer In Residence
Totally doable. There are panels that fold out into tents on the sides of some camper trailers. No reason you can't do the same.

Here are some examples.



Some beefy hinges, support cables, and a bit of tent work. Would be pretty cool.

Alternatively you can have the top hinge up and out. Then use stay/brace poles to support it. The bottom could fold out at the same time, and hang suspended from the metal "roof"


Totally doable. There are panels that fold out into tents on the sides of some camper trailers. No reason you can't do the same.

Here are some examples.



Some beefy hinges, support cables, and a bit of tent work. Would be pretty cool.

Alternatively you can have the top hinge up and out. Then use stay/brace poles to support it. The bottom could fold out at the same time, and hang suspended from the metal "roof"

Yeah I'm liking the idea of using the space for a bed. That way the pop top could be used purely for standing room rather than loosing the standing room because I've got a bed there.

It will be pretty tough to fit the entire bed in the fold out section, the window isnt long enough to sleep length wise, you'd need to sleep sidways to the van, which means probably 6 feet of fold out bed sticking out the side of the van if i had the whole thing external. im guessing i'll need 2-3feet of bed inside, 3-4 outside. I guess I could get creative with the internal structure of the bed and make it double as storage, a bench, or the kitchen area.
Sorry kind of thinking out loud here..


Another approach we strongly considered, and even started fabricating, was a push/slide out to the rear of the pop top. This would have allowed the bed platform to slide 30" aft on two 500 lb. rated slides and freed up the same amount of room in the interior. Same idea as you with canvas enclosure and it also created a covered area over the back doors. Had we opted for the high top it was absolutely possible. The mid height top created space constraints we were not willing to compromise on, so we did not pursue the slide out further.

Creating additional space "outside" the box is a great idea. Keeping exploring.


Expedition Leader
Im sketching some floorplan ideas for my L300 Delica. The side windows are a pretty good size, and i've been planning on blanking out the side windows anyway and insulating. I was thinking if I replace the windows with sheet metal, I could throw some hinges on there so it folds out flat, maybe use a canvas tent fabric to keep it sheltered. Could open up quite a bit of interior space on one side (or both).

Just wanted to see if this kind of thing has been done before, trying to get some ideas for what to do with the layout, what to put there, etc..

Its already a pop top so I use that roof space for sleeping, though I could use the folding side window to create more width for a bed where you would lay sideways. and use the pop top space purely for head room.

I want to make a permanent counter top for everything kitchen related (stove sink, etc.) so dont think i'd want to use the fold out as a counter, unless i can be convinced.

I typically have a lot of equipment with me, bikes, skis, etc. that i'd like to keep inside if possible, but bikes especially take up a ton of room. I'm trying to think of ways I could design a designated storage area big enough for a couple taken apart bikes, then use the folding window to open up useable space when parked. but cant really come up with anything.

Any ideas? if anyone has pics or anything of a rig that uses fold out windows that would be awesome.

Our Land Cruiser 80 series windows flip up but would not be hard to open down. We currently have an owner that stores his 29'r through the window. Because our windows can open almost straight up the bike fits in a ~6" deep space through the window.


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^^^ hates cars
^^^ that's slick!

Another approach we strongly considered, and even started fabricating, was a push/slide out to the rear of the pop top.

Like ccv's early designs? Did you ever see one of those steps? There weren't any at his place when I stopped by.

Expresavana vans had these "Pro Contractor" packages including the flip up doors. As luthj mentioned, this would probably be the way to go and have an insulated soft wall drop down with an integrated "floor".

I love that option. Would love the open air feel of that design. If they swung down and made a platform the rear windows would be like bay windows on a house and would allow a lot of light and some really good visibility. Would also lot cold air in when cold camping, but I'm excited to see where this thread goes. Great ideas in here!


Our Land Cruiser 80 series windows flip up but would not be hard to open down. We currently have an owner that stores his 29'r through the window. Because our windows can open almost straight up the bike fits in a ~6" deep space through the window.

I'm having a really hard time picturing a bike being stored through the window, your talking 80 series window? im confused.. sounds cool though


Shenrie - somewhat the same but only 30" and no need for outside supports. The plan was to have the bed platform in two or three pieces. The rear most piece being 48" front to back, would slide aft and leave 18" inside. The other two pieces would each be 18" to create a 7ft long bed when sleeping. The two 18" pieces would be stored on the 48" piece when not sleeping. This would have provided full height and nearly full length walk through during the day, and almost 6 ft of full height area forward of the bed when sleeping.

The main challenge was the slide had to be above the rear cross bar for the top lift and the bed had to be narrowed to clear the lifting arms. When stacking all the pieces under the mid sized top, it was going to take away too many of the great features of the CCV top.

We just tilt up the rear platform during the day so we can walk front to back with full height. It works fine. The EB still gives nearly 4ft of full height space forward of the bed when sleeping.

The push/tilt out idea is very cool as it adds to livable space once parked. Would love to see a slick solution. I think out the back for sleeping is easier than off the sides due to length needed. Even in the EB Ford, 6ft+ would require cutting a support rib that should not be cut.


Expedition Leader
I'm having a really hard time picturing a bike being stored through the window, your talking 80 series window? im confused.. sounds cool though

Yes our windows (30"+ wide) can store a 29'r MTB through the left rear side window. The owner has dual rear swing outs and wanted to have access to his MTB without opening the rear.


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