Ford Van parts in Mexico and South America?


New member
Are Ford Van parts easy to get in Mexico and South America? I see a lot of people using Nissan and Toyota vehicle's but how will the Ford handle being down south. Real close to selling my truck and getting the van. I also will be seeing Chris in Asheville for the conversion. Chris will you be at the Rally in June? Thanks for the input!


New member
van parts.

i can speak for mexico theres a lot of van parts down south dont really know in south america but in mexico yes theres a lot of yunk yards.


Many (most?) of the vehicles in Mexico are bought used or stolen in the US. The farther south you go, the less of the US stuff you see.


New member
Thanks for the replies! I trying to figure out what are my best options, before I sell my truck 2006 Dodge Ram, hemi, 2wd, quad cab. After seeing Chris's kits(those vans are BAD ***!!) I would like something, I do not have to get out of in order to get into. Thanks Again for the replies!


Personally I have seen more (US) domestic vehicles in Baja than imports. But I do not have any experience actually getting parts.

If you are in a big enough city, I am sure you could always have something shipped.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
No problem, I have seen Ford Van everywhere. Plus you can get parts shipped.

And worst case you can take a cheap flight on Spirit Airlines to Fort Lauderdale for like $89, get your parts and fly back.


No problem, I have seen Ford Van everywhere. Plus you can get parts shipped.

And worst case you can take a cheap flight on Spirit Airlines to Fort Lauderdale for like $89, get your parts and fly back.

From your posts, I gather that you have been many places in the world. When you say that Ford vans are "everywhere" just what exactly does that mean? I'm really curious. I've looked on line for this information and could not find it. Are they in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, how about S. America? I've seen some for sale in Holland and of course there are those crazy guys in Iceland but I haven't found them anywhere else.

the boogie van

New member
half the parts for your van are probably made in mexico. my buddy had a power steering pump go out on our way to ensenada once, found an autozone, and they replaced it under warranty (he had already replaced it with a lifetime warranty unit from the zone).

i'd like to see where you come up with the statistic of "most" vehicles in mexico being stolen US cars...

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
From your posts, I gather that you have been many places in the world. When you say that Ford vans are "everywhere" just what exactly does that mean? I'm really curious. I've looked on line for this information and could not find it. Are they in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, how about S. America? I've seen some for sale in Holland and of course there are those crazy guys in Iceland but I haven't found them anywhere else.

yes, I have been to few places...but in this case when I said everywhere I meant in Central America and some parts of South America, in reply to the original posting. They don't really have these vans in Africa/Europe/Asia or Australia, except for a few exceptions here and there

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