Some meth-head helped themselves to my adventure van yesterday morning (April 15th) in Oakland. Fairly distinctive with a 4" lift and blue/red/light-blue A-team inspired striping. Please keep an eye out for this van if you're in the Bay Area:
Yeah it was the greatest budget build. You set the mad genius foundation for it, and I just finished it out. It was really dialed in after the last Moab trip. Damn shame.
Got her back! The roof rack is gone, the inside was trashed, and some lock/steering damage, but insurance will cover the losses including a deep cleaning.
They arrested the mfer, and he lost some of his thievery tools inside.
Happy to get the van back and keep the adventures rolling. Stronger theft prevention measures ahead too...
Glad to hear the damage wasn't so bad!
Satisfying to hear he lost his tools...
You have inspired me to purchase some additional security! How did they get in?
I think a beefy lock system for the back doors is in order!
A steering wheel lock painted bright orange. Maybe a bright pink chain between the wheel and peddles? Best to discourage before they start tearing the door off.
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