Fridge for JK Jeep

Complete fridge assembly removed from EarthRoamer XV-JP. Install this in your Jeep JK, and you can have a fridge that is contoured to your vehicles interior, complete with upholstered seat and back cushions that rest on top of the unit. Be literally the only non-EarthRoamer JK anywhere with one of these fridges in your rig.

Asking $600. I'm not too interested in shipping this thing, but if a buyer made it really easy for me (as in, all I did was drop it off somewhere, and someone else could package it, etc.), I'd be open to it.

Will post pictures when I dig it out of storage.

NEW PRICE: $400!!
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Sorry about that... about an hour east of Portland.

Here are some pics:



I didn't notice until I loaded the pictures on my laptop, but apparently something white rubbed up against it while moving it around, so there are some white smudges on the unit.
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Dimensions are critical as the fridge can be used in any vehicle. Tried to figure it out from the ER site, just says it's a three cubic foot. Maybe you could tell which fridge it is from the Isotherm list in the link?....

And looking at the photos you posted, the interior looks bigger than three cubic feet. Someone's going to get a nice fridge for 600 dollars, that's for sure.
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I'll get dimensions on it sometime this week.

The fridge is made to mount in the EarthRoamer JK, but could surely be modified (and shrunken down a bit) for other applications, as there is a lot of wasted space in the rear (that's where the JK wheel well would be). Regardless of the vehicle that this is to be mounted in, one should take note that it is a semi-permanent installation, as the compressor is external (read: not 'in the box' like an engel, etc). Not really made to be switched between vehicles, or put in to go out for a trip, then removed during the week, etc.

With regards to the model, I'm pretty sure that this is not an isotherm model fridge. It does use the isotherm cold plate, controller, and compressor, but I believe that the cooler itself was custom made for EarthRoamer by C.F Maier Composites in Colorado.
Dimensions are (approx.) 37" long, 29" wide, 18" tall. If someone were to use this fridge for a different application, they could easily remove a large portion of the top surface (the surface that goes over the wheel well in the rear of the Jeep), making the width dimension (approx.) 19" instead of 29".

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