Front profile preferences- flat or angled?

Wm Hill

I'm pretty close to starting a squaredrop build and I'm undecided on the front design. What (and why) is your preference- a straight front or an angled nose from about 2/3 or 3/4 of the way up. I have no interest in the rounded front, so that's off the table. Thanks in advance
(Pictures are just for comparison purposes, not to scale)



If it doesn't extend up above the vehicle, either, but the box looks a bit too "square." (pun intended :) ) Too much like a cargo trailer.

I prefer cutting off the front corner for aesthetics - it give the trailer a "direction."

....just my preference....


To the OP, at 48” height (from your other post) I would stick with square. Easier to build, more space, and tucked well under the height of almost any tow vehicle you will find here.


Do it for the 'gram
Square, always. In small trailers every cubic inch of room counts.

My last trailer had a sloping front wall, right where the dinette was, and it was miserable. I could only sit on the far edge of the dinette, otherwise I would hit the sloping wall. A vertical front wall would have been 100x better.

My current trailer (cargo conversion) has vertical walls all around and they're a blessing.


Active member
Was there a function intended in sloping the rear? Lower aero drag perhaps?
I do not have a good answer for my poor decision. :) Honestly, there was a reason but I can't remember it anymore and the cons far outweigh the pros. Now it is just a discussion piece at camp.


Well-known member


Curves tow better and are stronger.



Wm Hill

I've decided on a square front. The height is very much the same as the tow vehicles, so that is a factor. I did a mock-up of one side to get a good plan for the door(s) placement. A asked my wife to get in and lay down and get back out to see how the layout was. I had intended that we would sleep with our heads towards the tongue, but she faced the other way. It turns out that it's MUCH easier to enter/exit from that position. So the storage that would have been in the rear over our feet hill now be in the front. So the extra space gained by a square front suddenly became more valuable

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