Fuso key blank


Expedition Leader
Spent about an hour at the locksmith yesterday while he searched for the correct key blank for my 99 Fuso FG. He ended up using a blank from a Dodge Colt which worked fine although the overall key length is shorter than the one which came with my truck. This is no surprise since the Colts were manufactured by Mitsubishi. So I thought it might save someone some time if I posted this fact.


Spent about an hour at the locksmith yesterday while he searched for the correct key blank for my 99 Fuso FG. He ended up using a blank from a Dodge Colt which worked fine although the overall key length is shorter than the one which came with my truck. This is no surprise since the Colts were manufactured by Mitsubishi. So I thought it might save someone some time if I posted this fact.

Good info, thanks. I bought a blank at the dealer when I first got the truck.


Crazy Person
You can normally get Fuso key blanks off eBay, should you have issues getting them from a locksmith.
I also got two additional keyless entry fobs for my FG84 off eBay, at about 10% the cost quoted by the dealer. On a side note... activating those is a real patting your head while rubbing your tummy exercise.
The ECU will accept three fobs, should anyone be interested.


Really, they are that hard to find? Back in 1998 when I bought my truck I wanted a 3rd Key for it. I just wandered up to the local hardware store and they had the blank.


Expedition Leader
I watched the guy search thru his blanks for a very long time. Perhaps he was an idiot. The key he cut did work.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
I just had to replace the keys on my Fuso, ordered them from the dealer with a copy of my registration and driver license. Fuso part MZ628073

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