G4Free Ultralight Camping Chair


Yeah, for a bigger person that would be a concern right out of the gate. For my wife and I it is not. Worst case they become kid's chairs.


No snark meant sorry. I buy quite a bit from them, and saw that same type chair a few months back. Yes Helinox does make a high back version. Its one of those, I really don't need, it but if I find it cheap somewhere I may buy it kind of thing.:Wow1:


Mixed bag with these Chinese imports that pay for reviews. In this case I don't know that the savings is worth it. However I'd take a free one to review :).


Mixed bag with these Chinese imports that pay for reviews. In this case I don't know that the savings is worth it. However I'd take a free one to review :).

The two companies I use, are GearBest, and Banggood. I have ordered quite a bit from them, and have only had an issue once where I purchased a flashlight and it had missing the 3 AAA adapter. I sent them a pic and within a week I had the part in my mailbox. Now when buying from them I take into consideration that a lot of claims are inflated. especially there battery mah, and flashlight brightness claims. But if you can deal with the month long wait on most of the items you can usually get pretty good deals. heck most of the stuff is already made there anyway. The chair listed above from amazon could have come from the same place and you are paying for the markup to deal with a middle man. As for the paid reviews. These to companies seem pretty legit There are both good and bad reviews of products.


I'm talking more Amazon specifically, I've done the pay for review thing for Smatree and New Trent, and though some of there products are legitimately good and worth the price, it's hard to ignore that you got a 90%+ discount when writing a review. Fakespot has been a godsend as of late, helps weed out the paid reviews. I have used Banggood and Gearbest before and like them both.


I have a set of these and love them. Their build seems great, they pack away to nothing and are quite comfortable although my wife wishes they had arms when sitting around the campfire holding our 4 month old all evening. I think there are some photos in my build thread listed below. Don't hesitate to purchase them.


New member
im 170 pound I bought 2 hellinox knock off joey chair from amazon the plastic who hold the pole on both broke on the first usage piece of crap. i bought the helliox beach chair pricy but they hold


lost on the mainland
I made a video when the helinox came out
bought the REI and the Helinox version and hands down the Helinox was the better more comfy chair
you can google helinox vs rei chair and should find my youtube video

but in quick
stitching and shape of the fabric has always been better in the helinox which end up in a more comfy chair
load ? as said cheap aluminum posts cant support the weight !
also the corner reinforcement on the knock offs are always softer makes digging in corners more a issue and not as comfy etc.
they also seem to never be as sturdy in the sense they feel like they are collapsing in on you more than the helinox (plastic frame parts I imagine)
have sat in enough knock offs and they have never been as comfy !!!! IMHO you get what you pay for and not saying another company wont make a better one and some might be OK with less comfort ? but once you compare then you realize they are a knock off but you did save a bit of coin :) always a balance

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