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I published a blog entry about my new 276C. Its just a blurb that presents its fundamental features and some of my general opinions. Hopefully, it will help inform folks who are looking for a new GPS.
Here are pictures if you think I write like I'm constipated.
Anyway, I got this at the end of November, and I love it. I sent my proof of purchase in for the $100 rebate, but I haven't seen it yet. No rush, but that'll be sweet.
Bummed out that (as my blog entry states) the built-in basemap is so lame. I knew it allowed the upload of more detailed basemaps, so I wasn't too concerned. I just thought it'd would be slightly better out-of-box. Its only a very slight improvement over my 12 year old GPSIII.
Also bummed out that I have to purchase expensive proprietary memory to even upload a basemap ... oh, and purchase a pricey MapSource basemap software CD as well! I guess the moral of the story is: be prepared to shell out $200 (memory and software) on top of the $600 GPS for decent basemaps.
I'd use the rebate money to get memory or something, but I got burnt by the man months ago and had to tap into our savings, so I owe us. I've put it off too long already.
Not to be totally negative about the thing - I really should've put the negative comments toward the end of the post, because I'm really extremely happy with the GPS. Great ergonomics, utility, versatility, nice and accurate, plenty bright ... became self-aware and took control of my Jeep. I cannot wait to get a big ol' $140 512mb memory card (or two) loaded with detailed street and topo maps.
I love it, love it, love it, love it, love it ... and I love maps and GPSr's and everything of the sort.
I give it 5 mounties. (really 4.5, but there are no half-mounties)
:26_7_2: :26_7_2: :26_7_2: :26_7_2: :26_7_2:
Here are pictures if you think I write like I'm constipated.
Anyway, I got this at the end of November, and I love it. I sent my proof of purchase in for the $100 rebate, but I haven't seen it yet. No rush, but that'll be sweet.

Bummed out that (as my blog entry states) the built-in basemap is so lame. I knew it allowed the upload of more detailed basemaps, so I wasn't too concerned. I just thought it'd would be slightly better out-of-box. Its only a very slight improvement over my 12 year old GPSIII.
Also bummed out that I have to purchase expensive proprietary memory to even upload a basemap ... oh, and purchase a pricey MapSource basemap software CD as well! I guess the moral of the story is: be prepared to shell out $200 (memory and software) on top of the $600 GPS for decent basemaps.
I'd use the rebate money to get memory or something, but I got burnt by the man months ago and had to tap into our savings, so I owe us. I've put it off too long already.

Not to be totally negative about the thing - I really should've put the negative comments toward the end of the post, because I'm really extremely happy with the GPS. Great ergonomics, utility, versatility, nice and accurate, plenty bright ... became self-aware and took control of my Jeep. I cannot wait to get a big ol' $140 512mb memory card (or two) loaded with detailed street and topo maps.
I love it, love it, love it, love it, love it ... and I love maps and GPSr's and everything of the sort.
I give it 5 mounties. (really 4.5, but there are no half-mounties)
:26_7_2: :26_7_2: :26_7_2: :26_7_2: :26_7_2: