Gen 3 Montero (3.8 gas) - Build / Repair / Maintenance - Advice & Opinions wanted (Costa Rica)


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Hey all!

Wanting to get your takes on where to go from here. '03 Montero Limited, 71k miles, bone stock. Potentially poor maintenance and a few hard days, based on underbody scuffs, new radiator and some paint overspray on the front grill.

The 'how we got here' & 'why I chose this vehicle' is a story for another thread. Had the rig for about a month with dreams of off-roading grandeur, but this rig has given me a hard-dose of reality. In hindsight, I was a fool to think that low miles meant my rig was spared the hardships of the Costa Rican roads, or that because it was cleanish meant that it was properly maintained. There are a few up-sides to Costa Rica, 1) Monteros are plentiful AF, good news for spare & used parts 2) labor is cheap 3) off-road capable vehicles & shops are very common. However, there are also a few down-sides to Costa Rica, most notably bad roads & shipping costs/capabilities. Ain't no Amazon Prime down here which is fine with me from a moral standpoint ?

The goal: A bad-ass rig that is capable of reliably hauling my small family (3 of us) and all our belongings on adventures across a relatively unforgiving terrain. Recovery gear at the ready, snorkel & underbody protection preferred

Where to go from here - Maintenance
  1. Gas tank leak - basically what is described in this post:
    1. based on the thread I linked, I plan on replacing the Fuel Tank Leveling Valve - 1785A010, the Fuel Filler Tube Check Valve - 1755A012, and the emissions canister. Any objections?
  2. Vehicle has stalled when under 1/4 tank - Took it to the shop, they could find nothing wrong, problem has not re-occurred. I'm just going to hope that's fixed with the above step?
  3. Vehicle shifted into Neutral when in Drive (N & D lights lit up at the same time) - took it to the shop, they could find nothing wrong, problem has not re-occurred. Had them change the tranny fluid and filter. I read this could be caused by the neutral safety switch, so I should clean it up and potentially order a new one as they seemed cheap for the piece of mind, but I haven't investigated ease of install yet
  4. Suspension - One shop said my front bushings were on their way out, they recommended getting new ones with my next set of tires. Maybe something i take care of with a suspension upgrade?
  5. Additional Maintenance - Would love to get your thoughts on things that I should look out for or just go ahead and do right away

Where to go from here - Build
  1. Suspension - Old Man Emu seems to be the common option that's good enough to get by, but i'm curious to the other options and what people would recommend. A specialty shop said they would build the suspension from the ground up, but wouldn't give me a price range without me going to see them and they're a few hours away. From what I've read, anything over 2.5 or 3" is going to strain the other parts, from suspension to diffs.
  2. Tires - from what I've read, it seems 33s are a great middle ground, able to give you performance & clearance without so much burden on your engine or chops to your bumpers & wheel wells. Agree or disagree?
  3. Rims - is it possible to get 33s or larger with our stock rims or are new rims a necessity? Would love some recommendations & inputs here
  4. Spare tire holder - I've read that the stock tire holder won't hold a 33" tire, so people either mod it, replace it, or mod their rear bumper. Is this true?
  5. Snorkel - There are a lot of snorkels down here in CR and 98% of them are facing forwards. Shouldn't they be facing backwards so they don't suck up water & dirt as you drive forward?
  6. Bumpers - I would love to improve the angles on the rig and add the ability to use a winch and store crap on the back, ideally even taking care of the spare tire size issue, but an ARM front bumper is expensive and there is no ARM rear bumper. Is a custom bumper a truly viable solution for front &/or back?
  7. Recover gear storage - I haven't seen many Montero / Pajero solutions for storing traction boards & such. Aside from a roof rack, are the other options all custom?
  8. Running boards & Skid plates - These are pretty high on my priority list. Seen a few kits out there but also read it's relatively simple to fabricate. Thoughts?

Ok that's probably enough blabbering. If you've gotten this far and have a few spare minute to share your thoughts, please do! It's much appreciated :)


Well-known member
A few thoughts, Stalling.
Long slender fuel tank with the pump at the aft end, I could see that the pump could be "un-ported" on a downhill section, if that was the case.
Cable adjustment, Is the transmission settled in it's neutral detent before and after the cable adjuster is tightened down? And the check pin should then slide freely into the switch.
Friction in the shifter or cable can make this adjustment vague.


New member
A few thoughts, Stalling.
Long slender fuel tank with the pump at the aft end, I could see that the pump could be "un-ported" on a downhill section, if that was the case.
Cable adjustment, Is the transmission settled in it's neutral detent before and after the cable adjuster is tightened down? And the check pin should then slide freely into the switch.
Friction in the shifter or cable can make this adjustment vague.

The stalling issue happened on level ground, in a parking garage. The only culprit I've narrowed it down to is the low fuel, which I'm assuming the guy kept the gas low to hide the gas leak problem

Good to know on the cable adjustment for the trans. I'll do some research to see what/how is involved with this, thanks for the tip!


Just a caution on the low miles. For some reason these trucks are notorious for having rolled back odometers -- I've encountered several from shady sellers. Regardless they will still go over 200k miles easy.

Unless you have verification otherwise, I would add a timing belt replacement to your list. Try to find genuine Mitsu tensioner to go along with it. I can't recall if the '03 needs to updated crankbolt, but I would replace it as well.


Well-known member
The stalling issue happened on level ground, in a parking garage. The only culprit I've narrowed it down to is the low fuel, which I'm assuming the guy kept the gas low to hide the gas leak problem

Good to know on the cable adjustment for the trans. I'll do some research to see what/how is involved with this, thanks for the tip!
After that stall, were you able to drive it any distance or could it have simply been out of fuel? Either that or the stall was for some undetected reason not related to the tank/pump.


New member
Just a caution on the low miles. For some reason these trucks are notorious for having rolled back odometers -- I've encountered several from shady sellers. Regardless they will still go over 200k miles easy.

Unless you have verification otherwise, I would add a timing belt replacement to your list. Try to find genuine Mitsu tensioner to go along with it. I can't recall if the '03 needs to updated crankbolt, but I would replace it as well.
Hah, oh damn, good to know on the rollbacks. My choice came down between 2 different 03's and i chose this one because the engine was quieter and smoother. The one I passed on, although very clean interior and exterior, had some whiney sounds and as i test drove it, a squeak coming from one of the wheels on the passenger side. As my wife keeps telling me, it doesn't do me any good to dwell on what could have been and I would love to stop kicking myself over the decision, but i guess I'm not there yet. Based on my experience with my rig so far, I would definitely say "shady seller" so yeah, probably not a great sign for me :rolleyes:

Thanks for the maintenance tips, I will definitely do that. Any chance you can recall what would get updated on the crankbolt? E.g., can i steal one off a junkyard rig, or should i order a new one?

After that stall, were you able to drive it any distance or could it have simply been out of fuel? Either that or the stall was for some undetected reason not related to the tank/pump.
After the stalls (appx 15 repeated stalls for about 30mins), i waited another 20mins until the guy who sold it to me showed up. Then we drove to a mechanic about 15miles away (in traffic), experiencing no issues whatsoever. Themechanic reviewed it with no signs or symptoms of anything wrong and that particular issue hasn't surfaced since, but it definitely leaks gas when it's over a 1/4 tank and it's hot outside (it's hot every day here)


Well-known member
The crank bolt is the same one used in FWD car engines for decades.
I presume this has sat, undriven for some time, and without a battery might be part of the stalling if the ECU needed to relearn itself.
Fuel leak, being a steel tank it could be a rust issue or something in the rather complex vent system these have. I expect dropping the tank down or maybe a good look if you can get it on a lift.
Pressure testing can be done, low pressure this is and the fumes are very dangerous.


New member
Update, the stalling issue has presented itself again. Fortunately it went away after switching to 2h and restarting the vehicle.It seems driving in 4x4H causes the issue show. I know my 4x4 actuator is pretty rusty and dirty but I don't think they're related. Considering taking it to a shop for them to review the transmission cable and/or replace the switch, I'm concerned I'm not experienced enough to handle on my own


Well-known member
The transmission has a cable to select P R N D, the gear selection once in D is fully electric.
The transfer has no mechanical connection. It utilizes switches in the base of the transfer lever, a Transfer control unit and switches and actuators.
The Tcase is shifted by an electric motor, the front diff by vacuum and valves.
I would need to look in the books to know for sure but I am not sure the engine control knows the position of the Tcase.


New member
What are your environment conditions, it is hot like 30c or more?
Yes, pretty regularly above 30 degrees during the hot part of the day with high humidity and intense sun.
This issue has only surfaced since I replaced the solenoid for the 4x4 actuator, but maybe it is not related.


Well-known member
Interesting, I do not think I can come up with any honest correlation between the solenoid and engine systems.
Are you able to capture engine data especially when it cuts out?


New member
Hey Charlie, what type of tool do you recommend for picking up engine &/or tranny codes? Happy to buy whatever needed, provided i can find/import it


Well-known member
I am not the best one to answer this, all my vehicles are older, pre OBD2 vehicles. I understand the tech but do not have hands on experience.


New member
update, for anyone that stumbles across this thread:
-still trying to fix the gas tank issues, but having difficulty finding parts. still stalls under 1/4 tank, still spills gas when over 3/4 tank
-Shifting into neutral was caused by the neutral safety switch. It was still happening after aligning/adjusting it so I replaced it and the issue has gone away. Important note: don't overtighten the bolts, they will strip out that soft transmission aluminum very quickly
-got a good amount of the suspension serviced, like bushings and CV cleaning + new boots, but still unable to find upgraded suspension at the moment
-snorkel - installed crappy, then reinstalled way better, but my airbox ultimately needs replacing to be water tight
-font and rear bumpers - custom made by a very experienced metal shop.
-skid plates - got some custom made, but I have concerns about shearing off the exposed bolts
-replaced the stock running boards with some custom ones
-added a winch
-added a ladder & roof rack
-added some lights
-got new 31" A/T tires for super cheap. When these are closer to end of life I will make the call how to proceed. Would love to diff swap with a gen 2 and get up to 35s but it may not be worth the effort. We'll see probably in a year or so

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