
Steve Curren

I am looking for a small generator to power an ice machine. I have seen inexpensive ones at Harbor Freight and wondered if they would be OKI also found one at Amazon, the one at Amazon is Alton. I was wondering if anyone had experience with this brand and if it would be worth the bucks.


lost on the mainland
costco had some honda ones not to long ago ?

no experience with the others but my honda is nice and quiet from 40 feet you do not hear it ? sips gas

have heard the cheaper ones are usually louder by quite a bit but again no real world experience so purely second hand ?

Steve Curren

Thanks for the answer, guess I will have to rely on what the makers say about their units. I have heard that the Hondas were great, I am looking for one to just use once in a while.
Thanks again for the answer.


lost on the mainland
not sure what costco has down their ? but the one thing is return policy is great ? also I would think Honda has a much better resale value if you choose to sell it later ?


I am looking for a small generator ...inexpensive ones at Harbor Freight and wondered if they would be OKI

Not saying everything at Harbor Frgt is junk, but...:Wow1: Darned if I'd buy anything like a generator from them! You can bet it'd be a quick "throw away!:drool:

Honda is tops (I have a 2,000kw & like it very much), but I'd also bet some of the other name brands like Yamaha are good too.

Money not an object - get a Honda! One hundred times as many Hondas are stolen each year than all other brands combined! That tells ya something, if nothing more than lock it up! If you really want to keep your new Hinda safe get a box from Harbor Freight and put it over it when you leave camp:wings:


lost on the mainland
one thing nice if you put the honda 2000 in eco mode which I understand from reading it that it cuts the output in half ? the thing becomes so quiet my car idling is louder !

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Right. I have a Honda EU2000 and almost always run it in ECO mode. It slows the idle down and only speeds up if the load pulls enough power to require higher RPM. In ECO mode it is extremely quiet.

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