Thank you Frenchie! Ive been to Moab once before, in 2005. took out a built Sami and had a terrible time full of memories! roll my rig on Potato salad hill 3 times, then ran Pritchett Canyon in reverse at night. rolled 2 more times on the exit of the normal entrance downhill double stair step.
I have been Jones'n to get back ever since!
Cant wait to meet everyone!
I registered for Offroading 101, Top of the World, Fins and Things, Crystal Geyser, and Hells Revenge! I also worked out a deal with Bobby of
CVT tents to rent an RTT for the week! will be camping in BFE do to the low low price!
My Trooper buddy is running the same trail schedule, except for Tuesday- he will be on Golden crack.