Cheap Adventurer!
OK, so I'm pulling the trigger and going to start my own version of a Wildernest-type cap on the back of my tow/off-road support/expedition truck. I have everything planned and drawn up in CAD, and the only thing left is to decide what to use for the "tent" material. I have been watching on here for some time, but still cant get it thru my head what would be the best. Weight is not that much of a concern, durability and strength are. I want something that breathes reasonably well, can be sewn on the wifes sewing machine, and wont totally break the bank. I have read MANY discussions on here about fabrics, and after awhile my eyes start to cross! Anyone have good recommendations that is easily explainable to the IQ challenged?!? Mechanics I can understand, but weights, linear yards, thread count, etc. are beyond me? Where does one go to buy such things? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!