Good reason to get a diff locker!


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so I went out this afternoon to a spot we like to drive to. Took my wife and 2 year old in the 98 LC100 (unlocked). Normally we'd take the Subaru, but on arrival, realized what good fortune to be in the Cruiser. The road was incredibly rutted and plain washed away in several places from some serious summer storms we had. After a walk and some photos we head back to the car, and while trying to drive gingerly so as not to bounce around the kid too much, I don't have enough momentum to make it through a rut. And that's where I stayed for the next hour and a half! Of course I also just installed a new roof rack so had not yet mounted my axe and shovel. But did not even think I'd need them anyway.

First thing I did was deflate tires, to no avail. Tried to get some rocks and branches under the offending tires, to no avail. Front right and rear left were both airborne. If I were stranded I would have gotten out the jack to get some more debris under there, but when you're only 45 minutes out of town... So, of course you call the buddy with the 4x4 for a tow. Fortunately it was an easy tug and came out without him even noticing the strain. But..... I realize I wouldn't have even needed him with a locker.
A good outing nevertheless, even if we did get home 2 hours later than expected. So I think the wife is onboard for rear lockers; there is a positive side.


Central Scrutinizer
An hour and a half????

That's not stuck.

4 hours, getting the 3 recovery vehicles stuck, and breaking a winch housing.......That's STUCK!!!!

Really, though, I bet you would have been stuck worse with a locker.



Not to hijack but I just went from a built rubicon to a 99lc with a rear locker. Whats a better mod for these kinds of stucks? A. a winch or B. a front locker?
I hate getting stuck with the family if its just me and the boys its kinda fun.


In this case ("Front right and rear left were both airborne"), a locker would probably get you out in a few seconds. A winch might take you 20 minutes, depending on how accessible you keep all your winchhing gear. This is a really common scenario with open diffs - opposite wheels spinning. This situation (and just plain bad traction) are when lockers are great.


A locker will get you out of a lot of situations....but when you get stuck you will REALLY be stuck. For me a winch is like an insurance policy. When you need it you need it BAD.


SE Overlanding Society
Not to hijack but I just went from a built rubicon to a 99lc with a rear locker. Whats a better mod for these kinds of stucks? A. a winch or B. a front locker?
I hate getting stuck with the family if its just me and the boys its kinda fun.
front locker to replace the weak 2 pin front diff. ARB is and you will never have to think about it. they are very easy to blow. Some have done it going up a slick driveway, and some have ran moab and bounced the front around and it held together. I guess it's the 100 you get :meh:

Cackalak Han

Might as well tell the wife the front needs one, too!!

I wonder how ATRAC would've faired in that situation? I'd like to get f&r lockers, but not in the cards right now....


Supporting Sponsor
Might as well tell the wife the front needs one, too!!

I wonder how ATRAC would've faired in that situation? I'd like to get f&r lockers, but not in the cards right now....

Having recently been out on a trail in NC with Brock 63 and his 2000 470 with ATRAC, i can vouch he would have had no problem.
Unfortunately not an option for my 98.
In addition the sand was that fine river sand that just does not bind.

Though 1 1/2 hours was barely stuck (since it took all of 2 seconds to be towed out), time drags when you have a 2 year old past his bed time!


A rear locker was an option for the 98 LC, you might find a third member at a junk yard, it's a pretty easy job to remove and replace a LC third.

front locker to replace the weak 2 pin front diff. ARB is and you will never have to think about it. they are very easy to blow. Some have done it going up a slick driveway, and some have ran moab and bounced the front around and it held together. I guess it's the 100 you get :meh:

IMHO this is not an optional upgrade, just plan on doing it before you do any real off road trips.

I just got one front tire in the air and when it came down the shock load broke the diff.


Supporting Sponsor
A rear locker was an option for the 98 LC, you might find a third member at a junk yard, it's a pretty easy job to remove and replace a LC third.

Hey Rusty,
I was actually referring to the ATRAC not being an option on the 98. But I like your idea of a used piece. May have to look into that - or just take a breath, a big gulp, and get an ARB!


Did you try to simulate traction control using the brake? I've been surprised in the past what two pedal driving can get through without an actual locker.


Supporting Sponsor
Did you try to simulate traction control using the brake? I've been surprised in the past what two pedal driving can get through without an actual locker.

Y'know; Bugger! I've done that before when I got stuck in my Disco on a several occasion where it helped. Completely forgot to try that. Funny how you forget the tools in your arsenal when you're not using them every day.


Hey, I remember getting my landie stuck on a beach for 5 hours because in the dark at the time i had managed to unlock one freewheeling hub and lock the other. I had no recovery gear, no cell phone, no torch and my mate was in hysterics. The motor was brand new to me too so I was quite the noob. Still, eventually after they had walked out in the rain they stopped laughing and I met a mate at work to give me a tow out. He drove me back there and with a torch I found the problem but he pulled me out anyway ;)

Result. And a reminder to carry the basic recovery gear ALWAYS :D Even today I still carry a torch, coat and fleece when going out as the bare minimum. But it is SO easy to get caught out!!!

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