GPS/Tablet/Phone/Hub network. Check my thinking...


So I'm mapping out my 'network' of equipment for my Dodge and I wanted to run it by some of you to check my thinking...

My goal is...
-to have as few wires run as possible and to have them all hidden
-to have a central hub that everything can communicate through
-to have as few things to have to plug into the tablet (power and 1 usb should be it)
-to be able to charge my phone without changing wires around
-to have as few changes to make when going from daily driver to weekend explorer.
-tablet to be in the $500 range and small. (sorry, no toughbooks for me)
-I want to eventually get an aux adapter so I can run music from my phone to the factory radio as I don't have a plug for that from the factory
-future hookup of a HAM radio (to GPS puck via hub) for APRS option.

I want to run some sort of mapping software on a tablet mounted in my truck. Most that I've been looking at require a windows OS and I have been looking at Delorme products but am open to other options. The GPS puck for the computer would be tied into a hub mounted under the dash. The tablet, hub, and puck have not been purchased yet but I have a few pucks at work that I could try but they would require a usb adapter.

The car dock for my phone is mounted on the windshield. It has a micro usb running to it that charges the phone via a power port on the dash. I want to get a longer usb line (they make a 10' micro extension) and hide the wire behind the headliner and down the A pillar to tie into a hub. I'm hoping that the hub will be able to charge my phone when no computer is hooked in as well as be able to tether when the computer is dock'd.

The secondary Sirius GPS puck is needed because my truck camper covers up the factory installed one on the roof. The Sirius brain box is behind the glove box and it's just a matter of un-plugging one and plugging in the other (mounted on the trailing edge of my hood)

Here's a schematic of how I think things will be hooked up. Any input is appreciated.
dodge equipment schematic.jpg

Here's the ruggedized hub I'm looking at.
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Army Guy
so far i see 1 stumbling block, the gps puck won't be "shareble" via the hub. Either get a separate 1 for just aprs use (they are reasonably cheap anyways) or on a windows computer use a gps splitting program such as XPort to split the incoming gps on the computer and share it out to multiple virtual com ports and even spit it back out on another serial port (can be usb to serial as many machines don't have real serial ports anymore) or do the aprs all on the computer again using xport to split but only to virtual ports for being able to send the gps data to the pars program and to your navigation program at the same time. I have a computer permanently mounted in my ram and use XPort to split the gps signal from my bu353 gps puck (usb interface) which resides on my roof as it is totally waterproof. The signal is split so i can launch any of the various programs i have which want gps info without necessarily having to shut one of to free up the gps port. i just made a virtual port dedicted to each software and no conflicts. as to setting up your phone to charge regardless of hub status the easiest way would be to hack up a car charger and a usb extension, seperate the power wires in the extension and tie them in with the car charger so the phone always receives power no matter what happens otherwise, and then when the computer and hub are connected the data lines will connect you to the PC.


I think the USB car chargers only have power and ground and no provisions to let me run data (tether). All they really do is drop 12v down to the usb 5v. I don't think I gain anything by chopping up a car charger and extending the cable 10' when the hub and an extension cord are all I'd need. Cord is $3 on Amazon.

So taking the APRS out of the requirements (as I don't really need that right now), do you think the computer and GPS puck will talk through the hub?

Do you have any pictures of how you mounted your computer in your Ram?


Army Guy
Yes the car chargers only have power and ground, i was saying to splice the power and ground from the car charger into the usb extension lead and leave the data lines intact to run to the hub. The reason for this is that a usb hub should only give a max of 500ma which is generally much less than the modern car chargers give, some are up to 2,000ma. That equals much faster charging for the phone, and enough current to keep it charged if you are using it for tethering and have weak signal. Weak signal will suck down battery life like mad and regular usb charging won't be able to replenish it. So basically you would strip the outer jacket off the usb cord and locate the power and ground. You would clip the power lead and insulate the end coming from the hub side. Then you would strip the insulation off a spot on the ground lead (do not cut the lead) and hook the ground from the high current car charger (spend the money and get 1 that puts out at least 1amp or 1000ma) to the ground on the usb lead. Then connect the power form the car charger to the power lead that runs towards the device end of the cord. The power lead from the hub end just stays insulated so it can't cause any trouble. This will give you high charging current regardless of what the hub does or doesn't do. And the data lines wil still run to the hub for conection to the computer.

Yes the gps puck will surely talk through the hub to the computer. I'd go for the BU-353 usb receiver. It is small, waterproof, has a magnet in the base. Min is mounted just ahead of my third brake light on the roof. I ran the lead out through the bottom of the brake light weatherstripping (to prevent leaks never go through the top) and then plopped it on the roof. Since htat location won't work for you you would be best served to mount it similarly to your additional sirius antenna. Mine is also on a 10 foot usb extension to make the necessary distance and it works without issue, i did tape the point where the original cord meets the extension so it couldn't pull apart and leave me without signal. I also have on the roof a sat radio antenna and a wifi antenna all magnet mounts and all run via the brake light. I do plan to also eventually add a cellular booster as well so that will be 1 more antenna going up there. Permanently mounted through the roof i have 1 2m/70cm ham radio antenna, 1 cb antenna, and 1 scanner antenna.

I unfortunately do not have any pictures of my setup and i am still working on it actually. The PC location is finalized but i need to switch hard drives still (the nice ultra quiet low vibe desktop drive i used has fluid bearings which create too much drag in the cold and the drive doesn't spin up quick enough) going to go with a laptop drive for increased durability and better tolerance for temperature changes. I currently have a 15" screen really poorly temporary fabbed in place and it is just too damn big and isn't even touch screen. I will be changing to a 10.5" touchscreen and redoing the dash bezel for that. I also still need to install the am/fm radio module for the pc and get a new amp for the speakers as well as upgrade to new speakers. The pc is a full replacement for the stereo, there is no actual car stereo in my truck so it is a bit bigger of a project than most computer integrations people do.

Also look at the possibility of wanting to run the audio from your tablet to the factory radio as well. I figure if you are tethered you can access online music sources just the same as with your phone and you may put media on the tablet as well.

Feel free to fire away any questions you have and I'll do my best to help.


Good info and thanks for the thoughtfull response. I believe that the usb puck on my desk is the one you mentioned except that the plug is different but like I said, I can get an adapter.

I understand now what you're talking about on splitting out the charging wires so the phone can get a decient charge instead of the trickle power it would get otherwise. I'll contact Startec to see what the hub puts out before I cut things up.


So I just called Startec's tech support and asked about power output of the USB ports and like you said, they only put out a max of. .5A at 5VDC. I haven't found out what a cell charger puts out but it sounds like to get the most charge I'd have to go the route you're proposing.

Now I need to see how the Delorme software works with a Tablet touch screen. Anyone have any experience here?


Army Guy
A good cell charger will put out 1a-2a depending on model. if you get one that is just a usb socket designed to charge an ipad it will put out at least 1.5a. that is what i sue for charging my htc evo especially when using it for tethering. It's just my personal recommendation based on experience, these newer phones eat batteries and regular usb charging just doesn't cut it sometimes. I have used the delorme software while mobile but not with a touchscreen, they have a setting for use on tablets though that is surely a better layout for in vehicle touchscreen use. B sure to buy it when it's on sale as you can save a bit of money. I got a good deal buying it with their gps receiver actually which i didnt need in my truck but i use with my netbook when in other vehicles.


Right now Delorme Topo is on Amazon for $73 and the Street Atlas is $28. It's more expensive if you buy it on Delorme's website. I haven't looked much further than that. I may go ahead and get it and try it out on an extra work laptop just to see if I like it before I buy a tablet.


If you are not stuck on windows 7 I would find a used 3G iPad. The 3G models have built-in GPS chipsets and antennas as well as a variety of mapping applications suited for offroad. This makes you life easy as you will only need to supply a couple USB for charging your phone and iPad.


So I've found out a few things that I'll need to address...

I found out that data will not pass through my Droid Car Doc. I've found some online 'hacks' that may give me some solutions. Still looking...

My parents upgraded their travel laptop and gave me their Acer Aspire One netbook. It looks like it will work for now at least till I decide if this is all going to work. It's a pretty basic machine with SSHD and no CD/DVD rom but that's fine. It's small, light, doesn't use much power, and gives me a full keyboard. It's running XP but I'm stripping everything not needed to let it run a little better. Got to figure out how to mount it.

I got the 10' usb cable in.

Looking again at software. I'm about ready to buy Delorme Street Atlas to play around with and if I like it, get the Topo portion to add to it.

Looks like I have to return my buddy's Kenwood Ham radio so the APRS is out. I'll have to get my old unit mounted up somewhere.

More later. Comments welcome.


You can get an external aprs to hook to your ham and laptop.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk

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