GPS track to google maps


Not sure if this should go in the hardware or software side...

I would like to get a GPS or use what I have that I can upload the .gpx or .cvs data to google earth or similar programs.

The equipment I have available to me in order of preference.
Garmin Nuvi 205, Netbook(HP mini with built in VZwireless), Factory ford Navigation

Or do I need something completely new? I travel frequently (like all of us) and I have always thought it would be cool to email a map of where I have been with photos to friends and family during a trip.

I see it alot on sailing and travel blogs etc...


I recently discovered the same site. In addition to what you're looking for, you can use it to identify waypoints on google maps and upload tracks or waypoints to your gps or iPhone.


So that site looks good but how do you get the file? or how do I create it? Is it an option on the nuvi 500 you have listed in your sig? How can I tell if it is an option on the 205?
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You should be able to download the tracks from the nuvi using Garmins Mapsource - that is if the nuvi can save tracks.


well I did some playing around with my gps hooked up.
and found the file that all the tracks are stored in.

Garmin/GPX/Archive or Garmin/GPX then they have the current file right there.

Stupid simple. And the website above worked great to display the trips.

It even had trips from when I first got the GPS... I think I am on the right track and probably can get the rest figured out.


While messing with it more last night I went to put the memory card back in to the side of the unit and for some reason it slide over the top of the slot and is now loose in the casing. So I need to find a small torx (not even sure what size-tiny) and see if I can pull the case apart.

O well I figured out what I wanted to know thanks!


GPS Babel will read the track logs of most GPS devices and convert to almost any other related format, including KML. Very handy format converter for going between various software and devices.

If I recall correctly, GPS babel reads the device directly, no need to use your device software... read device and output KML file in one action.
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New member
I use GPSBabel, too, and like it. The only problem that I've had with it is that I have a really old Magellan GPS (I purchased it in 1999), and GPSBabel doesn't have an importer for it. So I just issue the commands from a terminal session, save the result as a text file, and have GPSBabel parse it into a KML file. A bit roundabout, but it works great.

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