Gps unit advice....


For some reason the search function doesn't like gps.....

I already have a small etrex i use in the field to see what direction we are drilling in and or mapping spanish trail markers.....which the unit works just fine for it limited use.

However...i'm out and about way to much and i need a more expensive unit that can provide a screen to the windshield...or other custom mounting options....that i can load in a coord....or destination...or full on lat-long location from a well plot so it will guide me there thru unknown towns...states...mexico and it would be nice if it would intergrate with my laptop also....

From what i have seen there are a lot of units out there to choose from....and unfortuneatley they get great reviews un till their little issues pop out after purchase. I appriciate any and all response's to this quandry as i really need to do something....



Sounds like you would benefit the most from Ozi-Explorer if you can use your laptop as the screen for the GPS. If not, then maybe a Tablet PC or touchscreen Car PC setup. The Ozi is probably the most affordable since you already own a laptop and a GPS. The tablet or Car PC are pretty pricey. If you want just a plug-n' play semi-affordable unit, then I would probably get a Garmin since there is a little more aftermarket support for Mexico on those.


Spamicus Eliminatus

Since you are in Calgary, why not pop over to the office of It's pretty easy to get to from your hotel. Just go north on MacLeod to Glenmore East, take Glenmore East to Blackfoot Trail North (first exit). Then follow Blackfoot past the train yard until 19th Street SE and turn right towards the Blackfoot Truckstop. Then take your first left when the road ends and then your first left again into their parking lot.

It's a very small office since they do 99% mail order, but they can power-up any unit for you and let you play with it. They also have some Ozi Explorer experts and sell the full line of RAM mounts.

I have personally used the Garmin GPS 276 and I recommend that you look at that unit. Not touchscreen, but very robust.



Thanx for the replies guys!
I'll head over to the place in calgary and start from there....since the wife is 1300 miles away she can't tell me no....and its a buisness right of anyways....

it'll have to wait a week or so as i just got off the phone with my em coordinator up here and i am heading out to somewhere north of edmonton first thing in the am.....

It'll suck having to wait till i get back as i am really wanting to go


Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
I have been VERY happy with my GPSV. Its now been replaced in the Garmin linup. The only thing that I wasn't happy about is the limited memory in the unit. Its enough storage to cover a day worth of cross country travel. The newer units have much more memory but the GPSV only has 19 meg. To put that into perspective that will only hold the maps for North GA including Atlanta and macon. Now thats the maps I keep in it for when I am around town on my normal day to day routine.

Some of the newer units use smart cards so you can load them easily. That is going to be the higher end models so you just need to weigh your needs.

So that leaves you with having to have access to a computer to periodicaly load the areas you will be travleing. So if you do no plan to carry a computer with you make sure you get a unit with as much memory as possible.

Now a Laptop brings this to a whole new rehelm. My GPSV will feed a laptop real time. So You can use it for navigation as well and have full access to the maps on the CD. Go from a 5x5 screen on the larger stand alone units to whatever yur laptop has. You can run Topo software as well and there are some 3D software onthe moraket that will let you get some great real time graphics. That still leaves you with a small portable when you want to hike etc.

There are also GPS recievers available that plug right into a Laptop if you have one. Just throw the reciver up on the dash and plug and play. You can get into that set up for $150 sometimes less. No portablility unless you want to lug the laptop but you already have the e-trex.

I Don't know if the e-trex can suply info to a laptop but that might be something to check as well.

Just looking at the Garmin line up they have a LOT of new products. It looks like "Quest" would be what replaced my GPSV. It has 115 megs of memory so a HUGE jump over my older unit.

One thing I would recomend is a remote antena capable unit. The more out in the open you get the antenna the better. I have a mag mount antenna I throw out on the hood and my unit shows acurate within 10-20ft most times.
Off its antenna in the car its 50ft.

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