It's funny, I can count the times I've been pulled over for speeding on one finger. I was giving my truck all she had along Georgetown Lake and there was a Georgetown cop sitting that the exit ramp just waiting. I was probably only going 80 MPH and he asked why. Told him I have a 4 cylinder truck and need a good run at the hill up to Silver Plume. He asked me to pop my hood and I guess the big red '22R-E' sticker was convincing enough and he just told me to slow the hell down. Thankyouverymuchsir and I was off. You just don't accidentally find yourself breaking the speed limit in an over worked 22R-E powered truck!
Now being pulled over for profiled stopped, many times. Yup, an old white Toyota truck with a WilderNest and bike on top is obviously a stereotype for the sniffer dogs...
BTW, nice snaps, Harry. GSD and Medano Creek is a favorite place if mine. Actually, this is the place that cemented my Toyota loyalty. Driving up there around Memorial Day about 9 years ago I got deeper in one creek crossing than I wanted and drove my fan into the radiator on my old FJ40. Dumb, yes. Anyway, putted out of the creek to find a geyser of coolant. Fixed the radiator with JD Weld, cutting off about 40% of the radiator core flow. Broke the fan and had to take it off and didn't have spare water with me, so filled the cooling system with creek water poured through a t-shirt. The truck got us home and only hinted at running hot when we got caught in traffic. Man, old Toyotas are cool.