Greg's Thing Progress

greg mgm

Thought I'd start a thread and post updates and upgrades to my new Thing.

Today I solved a grinding sound with the brakes (posted in another thread) but they still pull to the left. I'll be replacing the wheel cylinders next week.

Also today I installed a CompU Fire ignition in the Thing.

I always install electronic ignitions in my VW's but have been using Pertronics modules. This will be the first time using a Compu Fire.
Installing this ignition is very simple...first you remove the points-

After removing the condenser, feed the module wire through the hole where he grommet was, and through the new plastic grommet that comes with the Compu Fire-

Secure the module with the allen wrench and screw that comes in the kit and snap the plastic grommet in place-

The kit comes with crimp on spade connectors.....but take your time and solder the connectors on...then heat shrink the ends to make the wires look.....almost....nice-

You may know which is + and - but double check....if the module is reversed it can burn out...that's what I was told. I'm going to re do the fuel lines away from the coil....(I just got the car!)

After hooking up the wires, my Thing started up in right now. I usually had to crank the engine a few seconds to get it to start. Also it seems to have a slight bit more power accelerating. Overall, a nice upgrade and not too expensive at $70. Also, the old points and condenser can be bagged and kept in your cars tool kit.....just in case!

To get my Thing registered, I have to have it inspected at the Auto Club. The horn wasn't working and I know they are going to check that out.
The fix looked simple. I re attached the ground wire connector to the horn, but that didn't do it. If I pushed the horn cap (steering wheel) the horn only came on if I turned the steering wheel...and only in one spot.
So....let's see what makes this work. Grab the 27mm socket and remove the steering wheel-

OK, there's the problem. The brass horn conductors are gunked up and not making contact. This is after I cleaned them up with solvent and lightly sanded them.....nice and clean, but very worn. I'll have to find replacement horn contacts eventually-


It's now reassembled and works great!

While I was at it, I got the HI FIDELITY radio working. Had to replace a blown fuse (Oh ya, an easy fix!) and then I had major high end window shattering bottom end tunes BLASTING in the Thing-

OK, really I had the most tinny cheap sounding radio around playing. One speaker on the bottom of the radio.....and FM sounds like AM......but hey it works!

So that's it for today. I feel productive!


Love the Things, hard to come by these days, so great find and fiun project. Keep the posting coming. I've built a few off road VW's now, 2 Baja Bugs and a rally Golf GTi, so aparently I'm fond of the German's engineering.


dirty Bakers

V dub fun

I spent many fridy nights working on uddys bugs and many saturdays wheeling with them. Ihave always wanted a thing. I want to watch this thread.

greg mgm

I thought a "Thing" thread wouldn't get too much attention, but 3 replies in 10 minutes is pretty cool.

As I go along updating the Thing I'll make a point of posting the progress. Next week I'll be doing more brake I'll expect my camera to get oily and greasy along with the work. :sombrero:


Count me in as another Thing fan. I had a 74. Summer nights at the drive in theater with the front windshield folded down were awsome.


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To get my Thing registered, I have to have it inspected at the Auto Club. The horn wasn't working and I know they are going to check that out.

Since when do you have to have a vehicle inspected before you can register it at the Auto Club in California? Nice project by the way!

greg mgm

Since when do you have to have a vehicle inspected before you can register it at the Auto Club in California? Nice project by the way!

I assume because it was purchased out of state, in Montana. They probably want to see that it has all the safety stuff....not sure really.

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