Has any one tried the Dobinson Twin Tube shocks and springs on their Gen 3? What lift are you running on your Montero?


New member
I'm in the market for a lift for my 3rd Gen and there are a couple retailers online that sell the a dobinson lift with twin tube shocks. I have looked for hours and haven't found a single review of the twin tube shocks from a Montero/Pajero owner any where. Has any one ever tried this lift? What did you think? How did it perform? Were you happy with it? Did the shocks fade? I have seen reviews of dobinson MRR shocks but haven't found those to be as easily available in the states. tried. On a similar if you aren't using Dobinson, what are you running? Are you Happy with it?

Cheers Guys, Thanks for the input!??
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I have the lift from Adventure Driven Design on my Gen 3 (my kid drives it). Works well. Mine has OME shocks, but I think you can get it with Bilsteins. It is a good product. Practically speaking you really can't install any more lift than the ADD kit, without major undertaking (diff drop?). That vehicle has some 15,000 miles with the kit. Really has a good stance. Very happy with the purchase. Small note, I had to rubber cement the bottom rear spring perch bushings to the lower control arm when doing the install. When I would stuff the spring in there the rubber mount would slip. Easy enough fix. Once installed, no problems.


I was thinking about getting the Dobinson's MRR as well but read up on all the threads on the Pajero Australia forums and all the reports on reliability were really bad. Everyone who offroads had failures of the hose coming off the reservoir as well as other things that broke on them with low miles. Maybe Dobinsons has fixed things by now but I didn't want to risk it with the complications of having to deal with Dobinsons if there was an issue from here in the US.


Well-known member
Like Sonic said, there are threads about leaks on the MRRs. From what I have seen, everyone says they are fixed. Check out my King shocks sheet I have wrote up. It goes into suspension and the different types. I also have a Gen3 suspension sheet on here too.

I run Kings and I am VERY HAPPY. But there are still some issues to get worked out.


I think the OP was asking about the standard twin-tubes...not the MRR. I'm curious as well. Also thinking about the Koni/Lovells set-up


I live in Punta Mita, Nayarit, Mexico (rough roads and lots of topes(speed bumps)) and love my Bilstein and OME IMG_3614.JPGspring combo on my 04 Limited. Works great on gravel washboard too. I am Not a big wheeler, but I love my truck for life here in the 3rd world. It rides so much better than all of my friends Tacomas, 4runners and Nissans .The only thing that seems to compare is a Land Cruiser, 80 series or newer.

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