I've searched a lot on this subject online and have found very few people who have done this (almost none). No one seems to make a top that I like, either they are too tall or not tall enough, too square or too many curves.. I just can't find what I'm looking for..
I've done a bit of research on one off fiberglass body parts using the foamular style insulation to make a quick and cheap mold. My thoughts are to get a conversion van high top to use as the basic structure so I don't have to go through the trouble of making it fit the van roof. I'd like to then rework it using the the rigid insulation to make the new desired shape.
I'm curious if anyone has built their own top before, using a method similar or even different. I'd love to see what others have done, but google searches bring up very little in this topic.
I've done a bit of research on one off fiberglass body parts using the foamular style insulation to make a quick and cheap mold. My thoughts are to get a conversion van high top to use as the basic structure so I don't have to go through the trouble of making it fit the van roof. I'd like to then rework it using the the rigid insulation to make the new desired shape.
I'm curious if anyone has built their own top before, using a method similar or even different. I'd love to see what others have done, but google searches bring up very little in this topic.