Heater Core...

Senor Carey

Hi All,

Where is the best place to procure a heater core for a G2n 2-2.5? My usual sources don't seem to show one available.



Have been through this last year, right about this time. There is no aftermarket source i could find. OEM is the only option I got. Did it myself. I think total in parts it was about $400.

You may find them at pick and pull, but you will take a risk of how long they will last considering they are already 16+ years old and the kind of labor that goes in it to redo if it fails again.


New member
I wonder if it's possible to repair a factory heater core. I'm having my radiator refreshed by a local shop, I'll ask him when I pick it up. If the factory heater core is anything like the factory radiator, OEM is best anyways.

Senor Carey

I read somewhere on the interwebz that there was a Spectra equivalent or a heater core that was close enough to make work. Since what we read on the internet is always true, is there a core that is close enough in size and configuration to make work? Does anyone have the physical dimensions of the stocker?

Mostly kidding about that first part.


I'm Getting Around To It
I find it fascinating that you can buy an evaporator (the "cooling core" for the a/c) for just about any Montero but no one has heater cores. I really wonder why.

John B.

Senor Carey

I've got every bolt that I know of out, still something is hung up. Does the duct work come out with the dash? A-pillar covers need to come out?

Delicate process trying to not crack 20 year-old plastic...

Senor Carey

Figured it out. A-Pillar was glued in with windshield cement. Dash is out.

Here is the conundrum. I've seen numerous threads on this and there isn't really a complete "how-to". I'm pretty savvy, but I see no practical way to get the heater core out without bending the pipes, cutting out the firewall insulation, or simply removing the entire heater box. I've loosend all of the big bolts that hold it in and it does move a little, but how did you guys pull this out without destroying it?


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
That whole assembly needs to come out, there is a bolt under center lower ducting that is hidden. The center HVAC box comes out under the right hand side after you remove that section of the unit. Did you buy a new heater core? Or are you going to have the stock one repaired?


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
We had the whole thing apart and out in about 2 hours, nothing broken in the process but there may have been an A/C purge involved. Memory is a challenge for me.

Senor Carey

So, I'll need to pull the center console to get the front part of the console out. Dash is removed.

I thought the box needed to be removed, but I've read threads in which people claim to have finagled it out. I really don't see how that can happen. I didn't buy a new core, yet. Wanted to see what was going on with this one and if it was the intermediate hoses, which it isn't. Perhaps get a quote on a re-core. It's very likely that this is the second replacement heater core for this truck.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Yeah i didn't see how you could remove it without breaking or cutting something with the box still in place.


You will have to take the box out that holds the core... That's how i did it. Also if you order the Mitsubishi core, it comes with the box that holds the core.
I think that is smart cos the old box would have marinated in coolant for so long that if you re use it.... It will blow coolant smell for a long time.

As for a/c purge... I didn't have to mess with it.

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