Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Survey for Industrial Design Student


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Hey Everyone,

I am not sure if I am in the right place, but hopefully there are some folks out there who have experience with earthquake search and rescue who can take a few minutes to answer the questions in my survey (if not could someone direct me to the right forum if it exists). I am currently working on my final industrial design thesis project at Humber College in Toronto Canada. My thesis is dealing with the some of the issues facing earthquake search and rescue workers in regards to transporting equipment, supplies and victims within the disaster area before heavy equipment can be brought in to clear routes. I am looking into incorporating emerging technologies in legged robotic locomotion as a major aspect of my thesis.

Please take a few minutes to fill out my survey if you have experience in earthquake search and rescue. Or simply post on this thread if there is any information you think might be useful to me, or if there is something I may have missed in my survey.

The survey is two parts (the website I am using only allows 10 questions before you have to pay) and is a total of 16 questions. If you cannot answer a question simply put a space in the box to move on to the next question.

Part 1: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R9MDDXL
Part 2: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R9FQF7Z

Any help is greatly appreciated.





Surveys completed. You have great resources in Canada, and should get aquainted with the folks that do US&R up there. They will be great help to your research. DARPA has invented and re-invented that goofy looking mule for carrying loads for the last 20 years or so. I don't see it working, if that's the direction you are going. Now, if you can make a robot, or "nano-bots" the size of an ant with the same strength to carry my victim out of a confined space, with access barely big enough for my beef-eating body to fit through, that would be great! I'll be happy to get with you via PM's or e-mail if you'd like more info about how we accomplish things here in the States.

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