Thanks Owen. I read thru your very detailed explanation on the Steinbauer installation. you've had much better success with steinbauer modules than I did..I did 2010 and 2017 today and both failed
The 2010 Fuso FG140 which has a 4.9 litre, 4M50 engine was wired up as per the Steinbauer instructions.. positive to the battery terminal, negative to the negative terminal.. at least that is how the diagram shows and what the instructions on the left side of the instruction page state. Now re reading the instructions the right side stresses that the negative should be connected to the engine block and the red to the alternator. the reference wire on the 2010 is the # 5 connector on wiring loom going to the accelerator. #5 is sensor 1.. as opposed to sensor 2.. not sure why there are two sensors.. I did check the voltage on #5 and it was 0.85V at idle and 4.5V at full throttle. lights on the Steinbauer module were correct after the install.. red light on and yellow light flickering at idle with ignition on but engine off.. with engine on the Steinbauer red light flashes slowly at idle and faster as throttle is applied.
driving the vehicle was pleasing in that there is extra power.. that is until engine codes start to show up. first one was Low rail pressure.. second one P0251.which is common rail pressure defect. disconnecting power to the module took the engine back to normal
similar for the 2017 only instead of a couple of codes this engine threw 15 codes.. and put itself in regeneration mode very quickly. similar connections only this one was connected to the engine block as a ground rather than the battery terminal. removing the power did not restore the engine.. instead I removed all the connections and went back to the factory wiring. I clearly need to learn how to reset codes on the 2017 as my OBD reader won't clear permanent codes.
Now that I have read the right Side of the steinbauer installation (as opposed to the left side of the instruction page) it would say that I need to wire the positive to the alternator and the negative to the engine block away from the alternator... this is tomorrows project.
any advice is appreciated... laughter welcome too.. it didn't seem all that funny to be tearing apart the 2017 in the princess auto parking lot.. however I am sure we made a few peoples day...