Hi-Lift Neoprene Cover


Expedition Leader
Here is a correspondence with Hi-Lift on the availability of the Neoprene hi-lift cover.

We are hoping to have this new product available for purchase in February. Check back again in early February and I'll be able to give you more exact information.


Steven Dowden
Vice President - Sales/Marketing
tel.: 800.233.2051 x16
e-mail: sdowden@hi-lift.com

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 11:00 AM
To: Steve Dowden
Subject: Hi-Lift Neoprene Cover

Mr. Dowden,

Recently I saw your new Neoprene Cover showcased in the Overland Journal magazine. This new product alleviates the only issue I have had with my hi-lift, mechanism corrosion. I would like to purchase one of these as soon as possible. Do you know when you will have this product to market?

Thank you


Expedition Leader
:sombrero:Maybe you're talking about a different one, but I got my black one in early December last year

look under the straps, on top my recovery box


It will keep any mud or crap off the interior when used

:coffeedrink::victory::safari-rig::safari-rig: JIMBO
:sombrero:Maybe you're talking about a different one, but I got my black one in early December last year

look under the straps, on top my recovery box

It will keep any mud or crap off the interior when used

:coffeedrink::victory::safari-rig::safari-rig: JIMBO

No that is a different one. This one was in Overland Journal and it covers only the mechanisms.


Expedition Leader
That's funny, I sent almost exactly the same email last month, and got about the same response.


Expedition Leader
If there are any Overland Journal editors reading this, it would be nice if a pic could be posted of the cover as shown in OJ. :)


Expedition Leader
I definitely have a subscription, that is what got me to contact Hi-lift. I just could not find a pic to post up.

I guess I could have scanned my copy of OJ, but I am lazy and the pics are never that good from my scans.


I definitely have a subscription, that is what got me to contact Hi-lift. I just could not find a pic to post up.

I guess I could have scanned my copy of OJ, but I am lazy and the pics are never that good from my scans.

I didn't mean you Beowulf, I meant those that don't already have a subscription and see the pdf and are like this looks cool and don't realize what they have been missing out on.


Expedition Leader
Sorry Crookthumb,

I jumped to conclusion that you had implied I did not have OJ's and was asking for pictures.

It truly is an incredible periodical and I will resonate your sentiment and suggest that anyone not presently subscribing to OJ should pop over to http://www.overlandjournal.com/ and sign up.


Expedition Leader
When I saw this product the first thing that came to mind was that it might retain moisture and dirt around the mechanism and promote rust. Does it allow the mechanisms to dry fast enough?


I think it would be nice in areas where you might have snow or ice. I would hate to have to chip ice out of the mechanism. That and it should help in dusty and muddy conditions from letting grit get into the mechanism.


Well-known member
I hope it stops or at least masks some of the mechanism rattles, I've got a hi-lift mounted on the inside of my FJ40 and it can get annoying, I've to a series of strapping around in now just to stop the rattles.

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