High Performance Ignition Systems~Do They Work?

  • Thread starter Scenic WonderRunner
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Scenic WonderRunner

Do High Performance Ignition systems work?

Are they worth the money?

What has worked for you?

Pros and Cons........

.....any ideas to share? :coffee:

HERE is a write up on a Jacobs system.




Expedition Leader
Mark, I have heard that if done right, i.e proper plugs, wires distributor, cap, rotor, etc. that they do give an increase in power. Not substantial for the money though, IMO. About 3-5% or somewhere in that range.

Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
This is the experience from one installation, so should be taken as such. I installed a full Jacobs ignition on the 22RE engine of our 1992 Toyota 4x4 Extracab pickup. We experienced absolutely no difference in felt power, and no difference in carefully measured gas mileage. The truck was more prone to pinging with the Jacobs ignition than with the stock setup. Our conclusion was that it had been a massive waste of money.

On the other hand, the Borla exhaust we put on the same truck made an instant difference in power; a quite noticeable midrange boost. Mileage remained constant.

I believe high-performance ignition systems might make a difference on older vehicles--especially if you're converting from a points-type distributor--but not on newer ones.


Expedition Leader
I have built several hot rods over the years. In the begining I always ran relatively stock set ups. Later on though I built a few with high quality ignition set ups. I think on high horspower carberated motors it is a great investment for power. I really do not think it will make a hill of beans difference in performance on a modern stock engine. maybe if you had a large turbo system and some internal work done but otherwise forget it.

I do not see anything wrong with running a better plug wire and plug but beyond that it is a waste. Now adays most stock systems throw off a great spark.


I gotta go with the rest. I spent money on a Jacobs System for my 95 YJ and did'nt see a noticeable change. Should have used the money on other Mods. Tu Compadres, Suty

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