Hobie pedal Mirage kayak ?


lost on the mainland
anyone have one of these ?
would love some feedback

seems fun :) we want something to have fun on the lake with the kids and this seems like it could be fun with the sail and stuff also the ama setup could be fun for my kids so they could do some solo paddling :) training wheels for kayaks :) ahhaahhahaha

also noticed one was for sale I missed :(


its the bomb!!, I have been kayaking for some time now and tried several diferents kayaks and brands and always tought that there was nothing better than paddling , i recently bought a hobie adventure island with the mirage drive , and its the fastest kayak i have ever been on the water , its just simple amazing , go for it , you wont regret it ..


lost on the mainland
thanks :)

I actually want to get one of the islands :) used to sail/work on cats back in Hawaii but big ones like over 50 foot kind :) but nice ones :) so really miss sailing

want put some hakas on it along with the tramps :) also like that one mod the one guy on the forum did with the extra aka and tramp on the tandem one was pretty cool


New member
I have the Tandem Island and it is Fun!

but it is a wet ride when sailing. very easy to pop off the ama's and sail so you can use it as a kayak

also don't expect to get the same speed (sensation) as a cat: the islands are as fast as a laser/sailboat


lost on the mainland
thanks :) yeah seems they are wet for sure :) seen pretty much every vid etc..

speed wise still seems fun for how low you are and also having a fun platform for the kids etc..
wet is OK its warm where I am moved from the islands to Arizona so still warm just not as nice and blue and windy :(

worked on power boats a lot also up to about 65 feet but prefer sail !

me working hard on the right hand side :) (old pics)
this one was 51 feet long 28 feet wide dwl 4'
largest I worked on was about 64 feet 32 feet wide
fun boats to work on and sail though


notice I am not grinding left hand dude in this pic :) hahahah
did my share of cranking
rotating mast on this one :)
lanai4 copy 2.jpg
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