Hold a Flippac on with just clamps?


New member
I am borrowing a friend's truck just to see if I like my FlipPac on it. I don't want to drill the bed (obviously). Think it's safe to use 6 clamps from a regular camper top even with the top deployed?


I drove from NC to Chicago when I bought mine with just 6 clamps holding it on. It was fine for the drive, but I don't think I would deploy it like that. My guess is the fiberglass would crack where the clamps are.

It might be OK, but I'm not sure I'd risk it, especially if it wasn't mine...


Expedition Leader
its fine, curious though what is your thinking that it wouldnt be?

BTW, hawks how many bolts do you run in your flip?


Six bolts. It's the 6.5' full size short bed.

My thought is the bolts and washers apply flat even pressure on the flippac to hold it in place. When I used the clamps to get it home, I was not able to clamp them all verticle. Some had to be at an angle I didn't like.


New member
I figured it was safe. I just wanted verification from someone who has done it. :)

I will use metal plates on top of the edge of the FlipPac (where the clamps clamp) to spread the clamping force.

The FlipPac is mine, the Ranger that it will go on for the weekend isn't. :)

Thanks for the replies!


Expedition Leader
well, as hawks mentioned if you cant get the clamps square to the flip you might have some long term problems,, i think more from driving vibes than anything else. lots of folks out there use them as a permament solution and have had shells for long enough that it has convinced me its fine.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
It's generally a bad idea to clamp on WilderNests, so I would have assumed the same for the FlipPac.

The mounting surfaces are fiberglass, typical shell clamps crack the fiberglass if you tighten them enough to keep it from shifting and the foam seal tends to walk out. Also when deployed not all of the clamps are doing equal work, so the force is disproportionate. Again, using the WilderNest, when flipped open and two people (about 350 lbs) sleeping on a 4' lever, there's around 1,000 lbf on the non-hinge side mounting rail. It's distributed along the 6' length, but I still use 6 x 5/16 bolts (3 per side). Also think about off highway or even just rough roads, a 300~400 lbs camper is definitely going to want to move with vibration and in an accident, those little clamps aren't going to do much to hold the camper.

I'll use them to transport a new 'Nest, but I bolt them on ASAP. I had a 'Nest once that looked like someone took bites out of the right side (non-hinge) side from the clamps. Now this was after 15 years, though.

billy bee

I clamped mine for a while. Used 4 large c-clamps and some 1 x 3 on the inside rail of the the FP to spread the load across the fiberglass. Worked fine. I would not clamp directly to the fiberglass. Too much pressure on too small an area.

When I did drill the shell and bed, I bolted it with 6 bolts and 2" fender washers, although I often think of bolting through a long section of 2", 90-degree steel stock to get both a shelf area and a better way to better distribute the load.

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Expedition Leader
90degree stock is angle iron i assume? when i bolt mine down (been running my flip with 4 clamps since ive owned it) i am going to use alu angle along the whole length, not for strength but for a place to drill and tap holes for mounting things. namely for my home made legs, i removed the factory legs to fit in my garage and made some new ones that attach to the side of the lid and the bumper. i know it'll never work cause someone somewhere said so, but i did it anyway.


90degree stock is angle iron i assume? when i bolt mine down (been running my flip with 4 clamps since ive owned it) i am going to use alu angle along the whole length, not for strength but for a place to drill and tap holes for mounting things. namely for my home made legs, i removed the factory legs to fit in my garage and made some new ones that attach to the side of the lid and the bumper. i know it'll never work cause someone somewhere said so, but i did it anyway.

If you don’t mind post pictures when you do it. Regarding clamps vs. bolt thru, looking at a picture Suntinez posted which shows one of the bolts/washers and a measuring tape for comparison, it looks like an every day 1.5” fender washer and maybe a 3/8” bolt which is nothing too special. If I go down to Riverside to have them install mine I will be OK with bolting thru the rails but if I have it shipped I will probable just go with some good C-clamps and flat bar or even a strip of oak to distribute the force.

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