Hi all. I am starting to design my v2 Squaredrop. On my first design, (pic below) I framed a 5x8 utility trailer with 2x2 spars and 1/4 in sheeting inside and out with pink foam insulation. I want go 6x10 this time and my question is this: Do I really need to sheet the walls and insulate, or can I just use half in plywood with no spars? I am not too worried about the structural strength as I can tie in the walls to the metal guardrails around the bed, but I don't think I really need insulation as I won't be using it for any extreme cold/hot conditions. I can always put in a small AC unit and I will have an electric vent fan. The idea is keeping this super simple, modular and cheap.
Your thoughts are welcome.

Your thoughts are welcome.