Drove down a pretty steep rough dirt track last Sept long. Lots of water ruts with all sorts of logs and debris in them from previous people getting stuck. Wasn't too bad rolling down in the evening, but it rained heavily overnight and turned that dirt track into slick mud.
I think with chains on and perhaps a little more momentum I would have gotten through but I lost traction on a steep part and jammed the rear bumper into the bank. Couldn't back up for another run and didn't have the traction to go forward. Had to get a tug.
The pic of me in front is when I discovered I had no front tow hooks. (wrong time to find that out) . The pic with a wheel up I wasn't stuck. Just a little twisted up crossing the ruts so I snapped pic, backed up and picked a better line.
I think a real rear locker is essential. The limited slip is better than nothing but last month I had to chain up just to get through 8 inches of snow.
Also, Blizzak's aren't a good mud tire. lol