I'm planning which LED lights I'd like to get for the JLUR, use case is mostly slow-speed stuff through Eastern forests and on the beach. Definitely driving/wide pattern, mounted on the front of the bumper.
I'm seeing options anywhere from 2k to 9k lumens that'll work, so given no budget restrictions, is there a point where you can have "too much" light, or just go for the highest-rated light cannons I can find? The circuit they'll live on is rated to 40A, so no current restrictions there either.
I'm seeing options anywhere from 2k to 9k lumens that'll work, so given no budget restrictions, is there a point where you can have "too much" light, or just go for the highest-rated light cannons I can find? The circuit they'll live on is rated to 40A, so no current restrictions there either.