A teammate and I are working on a design project for an International Baccalaureate class in school. Our proposed problem is whether or not the application of solar cells on various areas of a fuselage of an airplane can help to contribute to it's primary fuel system of petroleum. We were hoping to determine whether or not this integration is a feasible proposition. Naturally, we were hoping to find some expert opinions on this matter because there are lots of facets that we couldn't fathom. A few of which being the actual durability of the solar cells at high altitudes in rough weather, the realistic figures for energy output while in use, the initial capital that would have to be offered up to institute their use, etc. There are a lot of questions we have, and this seemed like a good place to start. Currently, NASA has instituted various gliders powered solely by solar cells, so it's not that ridiculous a notion. The whole idea is to cut back on the petroleum based fuels guzzled by aircraft. So, please feel free to offer opinions and contribute to our knowledge. Thanks.