All good advice above. Ciprofloxan is not indicated for children under 18. contaminated water and mosquitos are the enemy, so purifying the water as discussed above, getting all recommended vaccines for the areas you plan to visit( your local health dept usually gives these and know what you need), using mosquito nets, mosquito sprays and taking malaria prophylaxis if indicated is important. get your annual flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine if due. Keep your 10 year Tetanus vaccine up to date and get the one with Diptheria and pertussis in it (TDAP)
Fever below 101.5 is usually viral and not serious and antibiotics usually won't help. Fever above 102 deg F may be bacterial or parasite, and above 105 can be fatal. If I were in the middle of nowhere and had a high fever, I would start cipro or any other antibiotic I had. Travelers' diarrhea will respond to cipro, most other causes of diarrhea won't.
If you are diabetic your immune system is compromised and you will be more susceptible to disease and have a harder time fighting it off. cipro and peptobismol tablets should be in your medicine kit along with acetaminophen . Fever is just your body's way of trying to kill the infection and is not dangerous by itself unless it hits 105. The acetaminophen to lower your temperature is mostly for comfort and to prevent dehydration as a fever makes your body metabolize and use water much faster. Make sure you have taken any medicine in your kit in the past, to make sure you are not allergic or have bad side effects to it. Also, one can become allergic to an antibiotic anytime, so keeping an antihistamine( Benadryl, zyrtec) handy is always good. They also help with effects of reactions to insect stings and plants like poison ivy
M. Smith MD, family physician