A sort-of self-built SMB in the works?
Things that I would look at:
R Value
Combustion Products (probable inhalation poisoning in the event of a fire)
Ease of install (encapsulation required?, etc.)
Special adhesives required?
FWIW in researching a totally unrelated project I had cause to examine the urethane foam 4' x 8' panels at the local home store. It was a minor epiphany to notice just how quiet that isle was. They're rigid panels though, would require cutting and splicing to make them conform to even simple bends.
I glued some of the Reflectix mylar foil covered bubble wrap stuff to the underside of the Suburban's roof before reinstalling it's headliner. That made a large difference in interior temps. During the install the bottom of the roof metal was easily 20* hotter than the bottom of the Reflectix.