Expedition Leader
I was out the other day and I saw that a relatively new to south central Alaska exotic invasive species is moving around the road system. The white sweet clover Metilous officinalis ssp. alba and reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea are some of the bad ones. The USDA's Invasive Exotic Weed website lists 427 species of noxious plants in the US with millions of acres of land irreparably altered or harmed by invasive plants. It also mentioned that roads are one of the fastest avenues for the non-native plants to move in. At work we have to pressure wash all the dirt of our rigs before we move them into a new area. This is to get all the "hitchhiking" seeds off the rigs. I have started to take more precaution in my own truck and washing the dirt off ASAP.
Have other Expo members noticed non-native plants in their areas?
What other tips would one have for the stop of these plants on our lands?
How many wash their trucks with this in mind? I only started recently.
Have other Expo members noticed non-native plants in their areas?
What other tips would one have for the stop of these plants on our lands?
How many wash their trucks with this in mind? I only started recently.